class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string fileName = "SetCustomProperty.docx";
            Console.WriteLine("Manager = " +
                SetCustomProperty(fileName, "Manager", "Peter", PropertyTypes.Text));
            Console.WriteLine("ReviewDate = " +
                SetCustomProperty(fileName, "ReviewDate",
                DateTime.Parse("12/21/2010"), PropertyTypes.DateTime));
        public enum PropertyTypes : int

        public static string SetCustomProperty(
            string fileName,
            string propertyName,
            object propertyValue,
            PropertyTypes propertyType)
            // Given a document name, a property name/value, and the property type, 
            // add a custom property to a document. The method returns the original
            // value, if it existed.

            string returnValue = null;

            var newProp = new CustomDocumentProperty();
            bool propSet = false;

            // Calculate the correct type.
            switch (propertyType)
                case PropertyTypes.DateTime:

                    // Be sure you were passed a real date, 
                    // and if so, format in the correct way. 
                    // The date/time value passed in should 
                    // represent a UTC date/time.
                    if ((propertyValue) is DateTime)
                        newProp.VTFileTime =
                            new VTFileTime(string.Format("{0:s}Z",
                        propSet = true;


                case PropertyTypes.NumberInteger:
                    if ((propertyValue) is int)
                        newProp.VTInt32 = new VTInt32(propertyValue.ToString());
                        propSet = true;


                case PropertyTypes.NumberDouble:
                    if (propertyValue is double)
                        newProp.VTFloat = new VTFloat(propertyValue.ToString());
                        propSet = true;


                case PropertyTypes.Text:
                    newProp.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR(propertyValue.ToString());
                    propSet = true;


                case PropertyTypes.YesNo:
                    if (propertyValue is bool)
                        // Must be lowercase.
                        newProp.VTBool = new VTBool(
                        propSet = true;

            if (!propSet)
                // If the code was not able to convert the 
                // property to a valid value, throw an exception.
                throw new InvalidDataException("propertyValue");

            // Now that you have handled the parameters, start
            // working on the document.
            newProp.FormatId = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}";
            newProp.Name = propertyName;

            using (var document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                var customProps = document.CustomFilePropertiesPart;
                if (customProps == null)
                    // No custom properties? Add the part, and the
                    // collection of properties now.
                    customProps = document.AddCustomFilePropertiesPart();
                    customProps.Properties =
                        new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.CustomProperties.Properties();

                var props = customProps.Properties;
                if (props != null)
                    // This will trigger an exception if the property's Name 
                    // property is null, but if that happens, the property is damaged, 
                    // and probably should raise an exception.
                    var prop =
                        p => ((CustomDocumentProperty)p).Name.Value
                            == propertyName).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Does the property exist? If so, get the return value, 
                    // and then delete the property.
                    if (prop != null)
                        returnValue = prop.InnerText;

                    // Append the new property, and 
                    // fix up all the property ID values. 
                    // The PropertyId value must start at 2.
                    int pid = 2;
                    foreach (CustomDocumentProperty item in props)
                        item.PropertyId = pid++;
            return returnValue;

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fileName = "OpenXML.docx";
        public static void GetCommentsFromDocument(string fileName)
            using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc =
                WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, false))
                WordprocessingCommentsPart commentsPart =

                if (commentsPart != null && commentsPart.Comments != null)
                    foreach (Comment comment in commentsPart.Comments.Elements())

Wednesday, 13 January 2016 07:57

How to Remove the headers and footers

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
        // Remove all of the headers and footers from a document.
        public static void RemoveHeadersAndFooters(string filename)
            // Given a document name, remove all of the headers and footers
            // from the document.
            using (WordprocessingDocument doc =
                WordprocessingDocument.Open(filename, true))
                // Get a reference to the main document part.
                var docPart = doc.MainDocumentPart;

                // Count the header and footer parts and continue if there 
                // are any.
                if (docPart.HeaderParts.Count() > 0 ||
                    docPart.FooterParts.Count() > 0)
                    // Remove the header and footer parts.

                    // Get a reference to the root element of the main
                    // document part.
                    Document document = docPart.Document;

                    // Remove all references to the headers and footers.

                    // First, create a list of all descendants of type
                    // HeaderReference. Then, navigate the list and call
                    // Remove on each item to delete the reference.
                    var headers =
                    foreach (var header in headers)

                    // First, create a list of all descendants of type
                    // FooterReference. Then, navigate the list and call
                    // Remove on each item to delete the reference.
                    var footers =
                    foreach (var footer in footers)

                    // Save the changes.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string document = "Word9.docx";
            string fileName = "test.jpg";
            InsertAPicture(document, fileName);
        public static void InsertAPicture(string document, string fileName)
            using (WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument =WordprocessingDocument.Open(document, true))
                MainDocumentPart mainPart = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart;

                ImagePart imagePart = mainPart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Jpeg);

                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))

                AddImageToBody(wordprocessingDocument, mainPart.GetIdOfPart(imagePart));

        private static void AddImageToBody(WordprocessingDocument wordDoc, string relationshipId)
            // Define the reference of the image.
            var element =
                 new Drawing(
                     new DW.Inline(
                         new DW.Extent() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L },
                         new DW.EffectExtent()
                             LeftEdge = 0L,
                             TopEdge = 0L,
                             RightEdge = 0L,
                             BottomEdge = 0L
                         new DW.DocProperties()
                             Id = (UInt32Value)1U,
                             Name = "Picture 1"
                         new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(
                             new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true }),
                         new A.Graphic(
                             new A.GraphicData(
                                 new PIC.Picture(
                                     new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
                                         new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
                                             Id = (UInt32Value)0U,
                                             Name = "New Bitmap Image.jpg"
                                         new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
                                     new PIC.BlipFill(
                                         new A.Blip(
                                             new A.BlipExtensionList(
                                                 new A.BlipExtension()
                                                     Uri =
                                             Embed = relationshipId,
                                             CompressionState =
                                         new A.Stretch(
                                             new A.FillRectangle())),
                                     new PIC.ShapeProperties(
                                         new A.Transform2D(
                                             new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L },
                                             new A.Extents() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L }),
                                         new A.PresetGeometry(
                                             new A.AdjustValueList()
                                         { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle }))
                             { Uri = "" })
                         DistanceFromTop = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         DistanceFromBottom = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         DistanceFromLeft = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         DistanceFromRight = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         EditId = "50D07946"

            // Append the reference to body, the element should be in a Run.
            wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(new Run(element)));

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AddCommentOnFirstParagraph("Word8.docx","Open", "test", "This is my comment.");
        // Insert a comment on the first paragraph.
        public static void AddCommentOnFirstParagraph(string fileName,
            string author, string initials, string comment)
            // Use the file name and path passed in as an 
            // argument to open an existing Wordprocessing document. 
            using (WordprocessingDocument document =WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                // Locate the first paragraph in the document.
                Paragraph firstParagraph =
                Comments comments = null;
                string id = "0";

                // Verify that the document contains a 
                // WordProcessingCommentsPart part; if not, add a new one.
                if (document.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsCountOfType() > 0)
                    comments =
                    if (comments.HasChildren)
                        // Obtain an unused ID.
                        id = comments.Descendants().Select(e => e.Id.Value).Max();
                    // No WordprocessingCommentsPart part exists, so add one to the package.
                    WordprocessingCommentsPart commentPart =
                    commentPart.Comments = new Comments();
                    comments = commentPart.Comments;

                // Compose a new Comment and add it to the Comments part.
                Paragraph p = new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(comment)));
                Comment cmt =
                    new Comment()
                        Id = id,
                        Author = author,
                        Initials = initials,
                        Date = DateTime.Now

                // Specify the text range for the Comment. 
                // Insert the new CommentRangeStart before the first run of paragraph.
                firstParagraph.InsertBefore(new CommentRangeStart()
                { Id = id }, firstParagraph.GetFirstChild());

                // Insert the new CommentRangeEnd after last run of paragraph.
                var cmtEnd = firstParagraph.InsertAfter(new CommentRangeEnd()
                { Id = id }, firstParagraph.Elements().Last());

                // Compose a run with CommentReference and insert it.
                firstParagraph.InsertAfter(new Run(new CommentReference() { Id = id }), cmtEnd);

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DeleteComments("DeleteComments.docx","Gary zhang");

        public static void DeleteComments(string fileName, string author = "")
            // Get an existing Wordprocessing document.
            using (WordprocessingDocument document =
                WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                // Set commentPart to the document WordprocessingCommentsPart, 
                // if it exists.
                WordprocessingCommentsPart commentPart =

                // If no WordprocessingCommentsPart exists, there can be no 
                // comments. Stop execution and return from the method.
                if (commentPart == null)

                // Create a list of comments by the specified author, or
                // if the author name is empty, all authors.
                List commentsToDelete =
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))
                    commentsToDelete = commentsToDelete.
                    Where(c => c.Author == author).ToList();
                IEnumerable commentIds =
                    commentsToDelete.Select(r => r.Id.Value);

                // Delete each comment in commentToDelete from the 
                // Comments collection.
                foreach (Comment c in commentsToDelete)

                // Save the comment part change.

                Document doc = document.MainDocumentPart.Document;

                // Delete CommentRangeStart for each
                // deleted comment in the main document.
                List commentRangeStartToDelete =
                    Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
                foreach (CommentRangeStart c in commentRangeStartToDelete)

                // Delete CommentRangeEnd for each deleted comment in the main document.
                List commentRangeEndToDelete =
                    Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
                foreach (CommentRangeEnd c in commentRangeEndToDelete)

                // Delete CommentReference for each deleted comment in the main document.
                List commentRangeReferenceToDelete =
                    Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
                foreach (CommentReference c in commentRangeReferenceToDelete)

                // Save changes back to the MainDocumentPart part.


class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string filename = "WithMacros.docm";
        // Given a .docm file (with macro storage), remove the VBA 
        // project, reset the document type, and save the document with a new name.
        public static void ConvertDOCMtoDOCX(string fileName)
            bool fileChanged = false;

            using (WordprocessingDocument document =
                WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                // Access the main document part.
                var docPart = document.MainDocumentPart;

                // Look for the vbaProject part. If it is there, delete it.
                var vbaPart = docPart.VbaProjectPart;
                if (vbaPart != null)
                    // Delete the vbaProject part and then save the document.

                    // Change the document type to
                    // not macro-enabled.

                    // Track that the document has been changed.
                    fileChanged = true;

            // If anything goes wrong in this file handling,
            // the code will raise an exception back to the caller.
            if (fileChanged)
                // Create the new .docx filename.
                var newFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".docx");

                // If it already exists, it will be deleted!
                if (File.Exists(newFileName))

                // Rename the file.
                File.Move(fileName, newFileName);

Wednesday, 13 January 2016 07:49

How to Add tables to word processing documents

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fileName = "Word10.docx";
        // Insert a table into a word processing document.
        public static void CreateTable(string fileName)
            using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Create(fileName, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document))
                MainDocumentPart mainPart = doc.AddMainDocumentPart();
                mainPart.Document = new Document();
                Body body = mainPart.Document.AppendChild(new Body());
                Table tb = new Table();
                TableRow row = new TableRow();
                TableCell cel = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("OpenXML"))));

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string docName = "OpenXML.docx";
            string authorName = "Gary zhang";
            AcceptRevisions(docName, authorName);
        public static void AcceptRevisions(string fileName, string authorName)
            // Given a document name and an author name, accept revisions. 
            using (WordprocessingDocument wdDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
                Body body = wdDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body;

                // Handle the formatting changes.
                List changes =
                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList();

                foreach (OpenXmlElement change in changes)

                // Handle the deletions.
                List deletions =
                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList();

                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList());

                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList());

                foreach (OpenXmlElement deletion in deletions)

                // Handle the insertions.
                List insertions =
                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList();

                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList());

                    .Where(c => c.Author.Value == authorName).Cast().ToList());

                foreach (OpenXmlElement insertion in insertions)
                    // Found new content.
                    // Promote them to the same level as node, and then delete the node.
                    foreach (var run in insertion.Elements())
                        if (run == insertion.FirstChild)
                            insertion.InsertAfterSelf(new Run(run.OuterXml));
                            insertion.NextSibling().InsertAfterSelf(new Run(run.OuterXml));

Wednesday, 13 January 2016 06:55

Create a word processing document

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
	CreateWordprocessingDocument("Create a word processing document.doc");
public static void CreateWordprocessingDocument(string filepath)
	// Create a document by supplying the filepath.
	using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument =
		WordprocessingDocument.Create(filepath, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document))
		// Add a main document part.
		MainDocumentPart mainPart = wordDocument.AddMainDocumentPart();

		// Create the document structure and add some text.
		mainPart.Document = new Document();
		Body body = mainPart.Document.AppendChild(new Body());
		Paragraph para = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph());
		Run run = para.AppendChild(new Run());
		run.AppendChild(new Text("Create text in body - CreateWordprocessingDocument"));