Spire.XLS for JavaScript

  • Overview

Over 1,000,000 Developers Are Already Using
Our Libraries

A Powerful JavaScript
Spreadsheet library

Spire.XLS for JavaScript allows developers to create, read, modify, and convert Excel files directly within any JavaScript environment. With Spire.XLS for JavaScript, developers can efficiently handle Excel programming tasks, whether they're generating new documents from templates, updating existing documents, or performing file conversions.

Spire.XLS for JavaScript is fully compatible with popular frameworks such as Vue, React, Angular, and JavaScript, enabling developers to create and distribute their own JavaScript applications seamlessly across the web.

This versatile JavaScript Excel API operates independently, with no reliance on Microsoft Office Excel. Spire.XLS for JavaScript supports both the legacy Excel 97-2003 format (.xls) and the most recent Excel versions, including Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 (.xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm), as well as Open Office (.ods) format.

  • convert-excel-to-pdf


  • export-data-from-database-to-excel


  • apply-data-validation


  • insert-formulas-and-functions


  • apply-conditional-formatting


  • create-a-chart


  • create-a-pivot-table

    Pivot Table

  • group-rows-or-columns


  • merge-excel-files


  • find-and-highlight-cells


Convert Excel to PDF

Whenever you need to share an important Excel report with a partner, it's best to convert the file to PDF to ensure it looks the same as it does on your device.


Export Data from Database to Excel

When data is exported from a database to Excel, it can be analyzed and visualized, as well as viewed and processed by users who are not database users.


Apply Data Validation

Data validation in Excel controls what kind of data can be entered into a certain cell, which ensures that all data entries are accurate and consistent.


Insert Formulas and Functions

Formula is an expression that calculates values in a cell or in a range of cells, while function is a predefined formula already available in Excel. Both formulas and functions are very useful when you need to calculate numbers or solve math problems in Excel.


Apply Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is a helpful feature that allows applying special formats to cells meeting specific criteria. It is often used to emphasize or differentiate data stored in worksheets.


Create a Chart

Chart is a fantastic tool to visually group and analyze data. It provides the reader with the structure of the data set and displays the data in a graphical representation, making it easier for most users to see the data.


Create a Pivot Table

Pivot table is a kind of interactive table that allow users to quickly categorize, calculate, summarize and analyze large amounts of data in a concise tabular format.


Group Rows or Columns

For worksheets with large amounts of data, grouping rows or columns that contain similar information can make the worksheet more compact and understandable.


Merge Excel Files

Merging Excel files with associated content can help us work with worksheet data more easily and also make it easier to share and read the contents of our workbooks.


Find and Highlight

You can find all cells containing a specific value and highlight them with the same background color to make the value outstanding and more easily to be found out.



Standalone JavaScript API

100% independent JavaScript Excel class library which
doesn't require Microsoft Office to be installed on


  • Excel 97-2003
  • Excel 2007
  • Excel 2010
  • Excel 2013
  • Excel 2016
  • Excel 2019
  • OpenOffice
  • Import and Export Data

  • Manage Comments

  • Work with Pivot Table

  • Work with Excel Charts

  • Images and Shapes

  • Find Replace Highlight

  • Manage Hyperlinks

  • Header and Footer

  • Text and Image watermark

  • Conditional Formatting

  • Excel Formula

  • Set Auto-filters &
    Page Breaks

  • Merge Split Cells and files

  • Protect, Encrypt, Decrypt

Convert File Documents with High Quality



100% Independent JavaScript API - No Microsoft Office Automation Required

Spire.XLS for JavaScript is a fully self-contained Excel API for JavaScript, allowing developers to create, manipulate, and manage Excel spreadsheets without the need for Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office installations.
It provides a secure, stable, scalable, and feature-rich alternative to Office Automation, offering advantages in terms of speed, cost, and capabilities.

Efficient & High-Quality Excel File Conversion

Spire.XLS for JavaScript supports a wide range of file conversions, including Excel to PDF, Excel to HTML, HTML to Excel, Excel to CSV, Excel to Text, Excel to Image, Excel to XML, Excel to SVG, Excel to UOS, Excel to OFD, Excel to PostScript, and Excel to XPS.
Additionally, it allows for the conversion of the most popular file formats back into Excel files.

Generate Excel Reports Using a Comprehensive Workbook Designer

You can create Excel workbooks from scratch or load them from a file or stream. Spire.XLS for JavaScript also allows you to save workbooks to a file or stream.
The component offers extensive security features, including Excel encryption/decryption, cell hiding/unhiding, and worksheet locking/unlocking.

Fully Manage Worksheets

With Spire.XLS for JavaScript, developers can create, add, delete, rename, edit, and move worksheets within JavaScript. You can also copy, transpose, and consolidate data across worksheets with ease.
The component includes numerous flexible display options for worksheets, such as page breaks, zoom settings, freeze panes, headers/footers, and more.

Charts, Data, and Additional Elements

Spire.XLS for JavaScript offers a diverse range of chart types, such as Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, Line Charts, Radar Charts, and more.
The API also facilitates seamless data exchange between databases and Excel in JavaScript.
Spire.XLS for JavaScript supports hyperlinks and templates, providing comprehensive tools for Excel file manipulation.

Easily Manipulate Cells & Utilize the Excel Calculation Engine at Runtime

Manipulating Excel cells and evaluating formulas at runtime in JavaScript is simple with Spire.XLS for JavaScript.
The high-speed, scalable Excel calculation engine is compatible with Excel versions from 97-2003 through 2019. The API supports various cell styles, including merging/unmerging cells, wrapping/unwrapping text, text alignment, rotation, interior formatting, borders, and locking/unlocking cells.




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