Single Domain Single Domain Plus Unlimited Domains
Free Support
Paid Support
Free Support
Paid Support
Free Support
Paid Support
Single Domain subdomains
≤ 5
Single Domain subdomains
≤ 5
Single Domain subdomains
≤ 10
Single Domain subdomains
≤ 10
Developer 1 1 1 1 ≤10 ≤10
License type Perpetual Perpetual Perpetual Perpetual Perpetual Perpetual
Updates for 1 year
response time
48 hours 24 hours 48 hours 24 hours 48 hours 24 hours

Tankyou foreachir outand foryour ieestin Ssareadls! imhagpyt share picng forour Uhinited Domain dedoymentcense,which isourtrue wi- dcand icens (.) hat aons youto epoy to an unimted numberoisubdomains on an unlimied number of domains, The cost for this deplovm- ent license bv itself is $19,999 ($19,999 annual subscription).

Howewe, because sprea!s is icenset boh by develgper andbydepoyed doma, you'd also net to consder hemumberof delvelopers that wo- uld be wotking wih SpeadlS as we, as eachdevelperworting wih spreadlswould require their own developer license. Developer licenses are $999/license ($499 annual renewal).

Lastly, we do ofer optional all on licenses as well that are separate from the main SpreadJS component, but can add great value to your application should you require the functionality.

  • Pivot Table Add-on is a powerful data summarizing and reporting tool that allows you to organize, extract and analvze large amo- unts of data quickly.
  • Designer Ribbon component Add-on gives developers the ability to embed the familiar Excel-like ribbon bar and Ul functionality into their own spreadsheet web applications.
  • GanttSheet Add-on is a fast, data-bound DataTable view with gantt behavior and a spreadsheet user interface.
  • ReportSheet Add-on introduces a creative design that is very simple and flexible, so that users can easily design their reports. In addition, ReportSheet supports data entry, pagination, data filtering, sorting, conditional formatting and more.

Please let me know if you're interested in any of the licenses above and I'll be happy to share pricing with you for those as well.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed, thank you!

PayPal Mastercard Visa American express Discover
Developer Number
Deploy Location
Public Sites/
Cloud-based Apps
Test Server
Developer Small Business
Developer OEM
No Limit
No Limit
Site Small Business
Site OEM
No Limit
No Limit

One Developer Small Business authorizes One developer to utilize our product to create an unlimited number of applications which can be deployed at One geographic location in your organization (internal use only). It does not allow distribution of your custom applications to third parties, public-facing websites, or SaaS/PaaS/IaaS projects.

One Developer OEM authorizes One developer to create an unlimited of custom applications using our product, and the applications are allowed to be distributed in any form to any number of geographic locations.

One Site Small Business authorizes up to 10 developers to create an unlimited number of applications which can be deployed at up to 10 geographic locations. It does not allow distribution of your custom applications to public-facing websites, or SaaS/PaaS/IaaS projects.

One Site OEM authorizes up to 10 developers to create an unlimited number of custom applications using our product, and the applications are allowed to be distributed in any form to any number of geographic locations.

Only OEM subscription works for public-facing websites and cloud-based applications.

If you wish to inquire us which license to choose or for any other problems, please contact our sales department, they will help you.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 18 September 2024 23:37