C#/VB.NET: Add Shapes to PowerPoint Presentations

Shapes in PowerPoint are excellent tools for highlighting important information or key messages within a slide. They offer an effective way to draw attention, create visual cues, and actively engage viewers. By adding shapes strategically, you can elevate the impact of your PowerPoint presentation and leave a lasting impression on your audience. In this article, we will demonstrate how to add various types of shapes to a PowerPoint Presentation in C# and VB.NET using Spire.Presentation for .NET.

Install Spire.Presentation for .NET

To begin with, you need to add the DLL files included in the Spire.Presentation for.NET package as references in your .NET project. The DLL files can be either downloaded from this link or installed via NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Spire.Presentation

Add Shapes to a PowerPoint Presentation in C# and VB.NET

You can easily add various types of shapes such as rectangles, circles, triangles, arrows, and eclipses to a PowerPoint Presentation by using the ISlide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType shapeType, RectangleF rectangle) method provided by Spire.Presentation for .NET. The detailed steps are as follows:

  • Initialize an instance of the Presentation class.
  • Load a PowerPoint presentation using Presentation.LoadFromFile(string fileName) method.
  • Get a specific slide using Presentation.Slides[int index] property.
  • Append various types of shapes to the slide using ISlide.Shapes.Append(ShapeType shapeType, RectangleF rectangle) method and then set styles for the shapes.
  • Save the PowerPoint presentation using the Presentation.SaveToFile(string fileName, FileFormat fileFormat) method.
  • C#
  • VB.NET
using Spire.Presentation;
using Spire.Presentation.Drawing;
using System.Drawing;

namespace AddShapes
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initialize an instance of the Presentation class
            Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
            //Load a PowerPoint presentation

            //Get the first slide
            ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];

            //Append a triangle shape to the slide
            IAutoShape shape = slide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.Triangle, new RectangleF(185, 130, 100, 100));
            //Fill the shape with solid color
            shape.Fill.FillType = FillFormatType.Solid;
            shape.Fill.SolidColor.Color = Color.LightGreen;
            //Set the outline color for the shape
            shape.ShapeStyle.LineColor.Color = Color.White;

            //Append an ellipse shape to the slide
            shape = slide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.Ellipse, new RectangleF(370, 130, 150, 100));
            //Fill the shape with picture
            string picUrl = @"bg.png";
            shape.Fill.FillType = FillFormatType.Picture;
            shape.Fill.PictureFill.Picture.Url = picUrl;
            shape.Fill.PictureFill.FillType = PictureFillType.Stretch;
            //Set the outline color for the shape
            shape.ShapeStyle.LineColor.Color = Color.CornflowerBlue;

            //Append a heart shape to the slide
            shape = slide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.Heart, new RectangleF(600, 130, 130, 100));
            //Add text to the shape
            shape.TextFrame.Text = "Heart";
            //Fill the shape with solid color
            shape.Fill.FillType = FillFormatType.Solid;
            shape.Fill.SolidColor.Color = Color.Red;
            //Set the outline color for the shape
            shape.ShapeStyle.LineColor.Color = Color.LightGray;

            //Append a five-pointed star shape to the slide 
            shape = slide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.FivePointedStar, new RectangleF(160, 270, 150, 150));
            //Fill the shape with gradient color
            shape.Fill.FillType = FillFormatType.Gradient;
            shape.Fill.SolidColor.Color = Color.Black;
            //Set the outline color for the shape
            shape.ShapeStyle.LineColor.Color = Color.White;

            //Append a rectangle shape to the slide
            shape = slide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, new RectangleF(400, 290, 100, 120));
            //Fill the shape with solid color
            shape.Fill.FillType = FillFormatType.Solid;
            shape.Fill.SolidColor.Color = Color.Pink;
            //Set the outline color for the shape
            shape.ShapeStyle.LineColor.Color = Color.LightGray;

            //Append an arrow shape to the slide 
            shape = slide.Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.BentUpArrow, new RectangleF(600, 300, 150, 100));
            //Fill the shape with gradient color
            shape.Fill.FillType = FillFormatType.Gradient;
            shape.Fill.Gradient.GradientStops.Append(1f, KnownColors.Olive);
            shape.Fill.Gradient.GradientStops.Append(0, KnownColors.PowderBlue);
            //Set the outline color for the shape
            shape.ShapeStyle.LineColor.Color = Color.White;

            //Save the result PowerPoint presentation
            presentation.SaveToFile("AddShapes_result.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2010);

C#/VB.NET: Add Shapes to PowerPoint Presentations

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Additional Info

  • tutorial_title:
Last modified on Monday, 10 July 2023 00:49