Python: Move or Delete Worksheets in Excel

Moving and deleting worksheets in Excel are essential operations that allow you to organize and manage your workbook efficiently. Moving worksheets enables you to adjust the order of worksheets to match your specific needs or bring related information together. While deleting worksheets helps you eliminate unwanted or redundant sheets, creating a cleaner and more organized workspace. In this article, we will demonstrate how to move and delete worksheets in Excel in Python using Spire.XLS for Python.

Install Spire.XLS for Python

This scenario requires Spire.XLS for Python and plum-dispatch v1.7.4. They can be easily installed in your Windows through the following pip command.

pip install Spire.XLS

If you are unsure how to install, please refer to this tutorial: How to Install Spire.XLS for Python on Windows

Move a Worksheet in Excel in Python

You can easily move a worksheet in an Excel file to another position by using the Worksheet.MoveWorksheet() method provided by Spire.XLS for Python. The detailed steps are as follows.

  • Create an object of the Workbook class.
  • Load an Excel file using the Workbook.LoadFromFile() method.
  • Get a specific worksheet in the file using the Workbook.Worksheet[] property.
  • Move the worksheet to another position in the file using the Worksheet.MoveWorksheet() method.
  • Save the result file using the Workbook.SaveToFile() method.
  • Python
from spire.xls import *
from spire.xls.common import *

# Create an object of the Workbook class
workbook = Workbook()
# Load a sample Excel file

# Get a specific worksheet in the file by its index
sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]
# Or get a specific worksheet in the file by its name
# sheet = workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"]

# Move the worksheet to the 3rd position in the file

# Save the result file
workbook.SaveToFile("MoveWorksheet.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Version2016)

Python: Move or Delete Worksheets in Excel

Delete a Worksheet in Excel in Python

You can delete a specific worksheet from an Excel file by using the Workbook.Worksheets.RemoveAt() or Workbook.Worksheets.Remove() method provided by Spire.XLS for Python. The detailed steps are as follows.

  • Create an object of the Workbook class.
  • Load an Excel file using the Workbook.LoadFromFile() method.
  • Remove a specific worksheet from the file using the Workbook.Worksheets.RemoveAt() or Workbook.Worksheets.Remove() method.
  • Save the result file using the Workbook.SaveToFile() method.
  • Python
from spire.xls import *
from spire.xls.common import *

# Create an object of the Workbook class
workbook = Workbook()
# Load a sample Excel file

# Remove a specific worksheet in the file by its index

# Or get a specific worksheet in the file by its name and then remove it
# worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"]
# workbook.Worksheets.Remove(worksheet)

# Save the result file
workbook.SaveToFile("DeleteWorksheet.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Version2016)

Python: Move or Delete Worksheets in Excel

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