Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Spire.Cloud.Office is a HTML5-based document editor that allows users to view and edit Word and Excel documents in a web browser. After installing it on your server, you'll be able to embed the editor in your own web application. This article will show you how to install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS 7.

Step 1. Configure the Environment

1) Turn off the firewall

Run the script firewall-cmd --state as root to view the firewall status. If the status is "not running", no other settings required; if the status is "running", run the script systemctl stop firewalld.service to shut down the firewall.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

2) Configure a static IP

Run the script vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens32 (ens32 can be replaced by your network name) to open the network configuration file to configure a static IP address.

Press I to enter the editing mode, change the value of BOOSPROTO to "static", and add IP address, net mask, gateway, and DNS server at the end. After edits are completed, press Esc and then enter the script :wq to save the changes and exit.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Enter the script systemctl restart network to restart the network service, and then run the script ip addr to check whether the IP address has been successfully applied.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Step 2. Copy Spire.Cloud.Office to CentOS

Download Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux package, and unzip it somewhere on your disk. We use WinSCP to copy files from Windows system to the root of CentOS system.

1) Log in to WinSCP

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

2) Copy files

After the connection is successful, copy the files contained in Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux package to the /root/cloud/ directory of the CentOS system. The "cloud" folder here is a newly created folder and can be named arbitrarily.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Step 3. Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux

Enter the folder where the file "" is located, then run the script sh to install Spire.Cloud.Office on CentOS.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

After the installation is completed, you'll get the following output.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Step 4. Bind License

Copy your license file to the /root/cloud/ directory through WinSCP. If you need a temporary license to evaluate our product, please contact sales.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Enter the folder that contains the file "", then run the script sh to bind the license.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

After the license is successfully bound, you'll get the following output.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS

Now that you've successfully installed Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS, you can visit our example on port 3000, and embed the document editor in your HTML page using JavaScript.

Install Spire.Cloud.Office for Linux on CentOS