Spire.Presentation for Python 9.11.2 fixes some known issues
2024-11-20 02:10:40
We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.Presentation for Python 9.11.2. Some known issues are fixed successfully in this version, such as the issue that the size of images extracted from PowerPoint documents was incorrect. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREPPT-2620 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 file is corrpt" error when loading a PowerPoint document. Bug SPIREPPT-2660 Fixes the issue that the program threw "ArgumentNullException" error when saving slides to pictures. Bug SPIREPPT-2662 Fixes the issue that the size of…
Spire.PDF for Python 10.11.0 supports macOS system
2024-11-19 08:19:54
We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.PDF for Python 10.11.0. This version supports macOS system, which means that developers can now create, read, edit, and convert PDF files with Python on the MAC platform, experiencing efficient PDF processing performance. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPDF-6505 Supports macOS system. Click the link to download Spire.PDF for Python 10.11.0: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/Spire-PDF-Python.html
Spire.Presentation for JavaScript is Now Available
2024-11-18 09:17:52
In a significant stride towards enhancing the capabilities of web developers, Spire.Presentation for JavaScript, a professional PowerPoint library, has been released. This powerful solution allows developers to integrate PowerPopint functionalities into their JavaScript applications seamlessly, making managing and manipulating PowerPoint presentations simple and effortless within web environments. Spire.Presentation for JavaScript Spire.Presentation for JavaScript is designed to streamline PowerPoint programming tasks, enabling users to create, read, edit, and convert PowerPoint presentations directly within their JavaScript environment. As a robust JavaScript PowerPoint API, it empowers seamless compatibility with popular frameworks such as Vue, React, Angular, and plain JavaScript. To learn more about…
Spire.Presentation 9.11.3 support setting whether to save SlidePicture shapes as graphic tags when converting PowerPoint to SVG
2024-11-13 02:31:42
We're glad to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 9.11.3. This version adds a new property to set whether to save SlidePicture shapes as graphic tags when converting PPTX to SVG, and also fix several issues that occurred when converting PPTX to PDFA/SVG, and loading PowerPoint files. Check below for more details. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPPT-2636 Adds a new boolean property "ppt.SaveToSvgOption.ConvertPictureUsingGraphicTag" to set whether to save SlidePicture shapes as graphic tags when converting PPTX to SVG. ppt.SaveToSvgOption.ConvertPictureUsingGraphicTag = true; Bug SPIREPPT-2552 Fixes the issue that PDFA standards were…
Spire.Presentation for Python 9.11.1 supports the functionality to get the slides from "section"
2024-11-11 02:05:03
We are pleased to announce the release of Spire.Presentation for Python 9.11.1. The latest version supports the functionality to get the slides from "section". Moreover, some known bugs are fixed successfully in this update, such as the issue that errors occurred when using SlideCountPerPageForPrint and ContainingHiddenSlides methods. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPPT-2575 Supports the functionality to get the slides from "section". ppt = Presentation() ppt.LoadFromFile(inputFile) section=ppt.SectionList[0] slides=section.GetSlides() sb = [] i=0 for slide in slides: sb.append("SlideID:"+str(slides[i].SlideID)) i=i+1 File.AppendAllText(outputFile, sb) ppt.Dispose New feature SPIREPPT-2605 Supports…
Spire.PDF 10.11.1 supports extracting video and audio from PDF documents
2024-11-06 08:34:09
We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.PDF 10.11.1. This version supports extracting video and audio from PDF documents. Besides, it enhances the conversion from PDF to images. Moreover, a lot of known issues are fixed successfully in this version, such as the issue that merging PDF documents failed. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPDF-7145 Supported the functionality to extract video and audio from PDF documents. PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(); pdf.LoadFromFile(inputFile); for (int i = 0; i < pdf.Pages.Count; i++) { PdfPageBase page…
Spire.Doc for Java 12.11.0 optimizes the conversions from Word to PDF and HTML
2024-11-05 09:33:22
We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.Doc for Java 12.11.0. This version optimizes the conversions from Word to PDF, HTML, as well as RTF to PDF, and also fixes some issues that occurred when loading and saving Word files. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREDOC-10693 Fixes the issue that the highlighting effect was incorrect when searching. Bug SPIREDOC-10726 Fixes the issue that the table borders were not displaying in WPS after saving doc as docx. Bug SPIREDOC-10747 Fixes the issue that the program threw an…
Spire.XLS for Java 14.11.0 enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF
2024-11-05 06:10:12
We are excited to announce the release of Spire.XLS for Java 14.11.0. The latest version enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF. Besides, some known bugs are fixed successfully in this update, such as the issue that font sizes were inconsistent after saving some Excel files. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREXLS-5446 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" when converting XLSX to XLSB. Bug SPIREXLS-5493 Fixes the issue that incorrect effect occurred when using Worksheet.autoFitColumn.…