We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Doc for Java 12.9.0. This version supports determining if a bookmark is hidden with a new method. Moreover, some known bugs are fixed successfully in this update, such as the issue that line spacing became inconsistent after replacing bookmark content. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREDOC-7237 Supports determining if a bookmark is hidden with the new method, "bookmark.isHidden()". New feature SPIREDOC-10287 Supports updating the character count with the new method, "document.updateWordCount()". New feature SPIREDOC-10771 Supports embedding font…
In a significant stride towards enhancing the capabilities of web developers, Spire.XLS for JavaScript, a powerful Excel development library, has been released. This cutting-edge solution empowers developers to seamlessly integrate Excel functionalities into their JavaScript applications, simplifying the way data is managed and manipulated within web environments. Spire.XLS for JavaScript Spire.XLS for JavaScript is designed to streamline Excel programming tasks, enabling developers to create, read, modify, and convert Excel files directly within their JavaScript environment. As a robust JavaScript Excel API, it allows seamless compatibility with popular frameworks such as Vue, React, Angular, and plain JavaScript. To learn more about…
We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Office 9.8.0. In this version, Spire.PDF supports converting HTML to PDF using the Chrome; Spire.XLS supports enabling revision mode and obtaining custom properties of worksheets; Spire.Presentation supports converting PowerPoint documents to Markdown files; Spire.OCR supports configuring OCR models, languages, and dependency libraries. Besides, a lot of known issues are fixed successfully in this version. More details are listed below. In this version, the most recent versions of Spire.Doc, Spire.PDF, Spire.XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.Email, Spire.DocViewer, Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.Spreadsheet, Spire.OfficeViewer, Spire.DataExport, and Spire.Barcode are included. DLL Versions: Spire.Doc.dll v12.8.12 Spire.Pdf.dll v10.8.1 Spire.XLS.dll v14.8.2 Spire.Presentation.dll v9.8.3 Spire.Barcode.dll…
We are pleased to announce the release of Spire.Presentation for Java 9.8.3. This version provides a new method to set format when replacing text, and also fixes some known issues occurred when loading PowerPoint files, adding formulas in table cells, and adding LatexMath. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPPT-2579 Provides the ReplaceAndFormatText(String matchedString, String newValue, PortionFormatEx format) method to support setting format when replacing text. Presentation ppt = new Presentation(); // Load a PowerPoint presentation from the specified file. ppt.loadFromFile(inputFile); // Create a new object…
We are pleased to announce the release of Spire.Office for Java 9.8.0. In this new version, Spire.XLS for Java supports embedding images in cells; Spire.Doc for Java optimizes the clarity of images when converting Word documents to HTML. Besides, some known issues are fixed successfully in this update. More details are listed below. Click the link to download Spire.Office for Java 9.8.0: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/office-for-java.html Here is a list of changes made in this release Spire.XLS for Java Category ID Description New feature SPIREXLS-5147 Provides the hideCategoriTags method to support hiding category labels. Chart chart = sheet.getCharts().get(0); String[] labels = chart.getCategoryLabels(); chart.hideCategoryLabels(new…
We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.Doc 12.8.12. This version mainly fixes two issues that occurred when replacing text and converting Word to OFD. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREDOC-10738 Fixes the issue that the customXml appeared after replacing text. Bug SPIREDOC-10743 Optimizes the file size for converting Word to OFD. Click the link to download Spire.Doc 12.8.12: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/download-word-for-net-now.html More information of Spire.Doc new release or hotfix: https://www.e-iceblue.com/forum/spire-doc-new-release-or-hotfix-t4749.html
We are excited to announce the release of Spire.XLS for Java.14.8.2. This version supports embedding images in cells. Besides, some known bugs were successfully fixed in this update, such as the issue that caused incorrect content when saving an Excel document and opening it in Microsoft Excel 2016. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREXLS-5147 Provides the hideCategoriTags method to support hiding category labels. Chart chart = sheet.getCharts().get(0); String[] labels = chart.getCategoryLabels(); chart.hideCategoryLabels(new String[] { labels [0], labels [1], ...} ); New feature SPIREXLS-5338 Supports embedding…
We are excited to announce the release of Spire.PDF for Python 10.8.1. This version supports returning imageInfo[i].Image as a byte[] type. Besides, the issue that highlighting positions are inaccurate when searching and highlighting text is fixed in this update. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPDF-6888 Supports returning imageInfo[i].Image as a byte[] type. byteResult = imageInfo[i].Image.ToArray() fileName = outputFile_1 + "Bug_6888_{0:d}.png".format(i) with open(fileName,'wb') as f: f.write(byteResult) New feature SPIREPDF-6902 Synchronizes the PdfTextReplaceOptions class. pdf=PdfDocument() pdf.LoadFromFile(inputFile) page = pdf.Pages[0] textreplacer = PdfTextReplacer(page) options = PdfTextReplaceOptions() options.ReplaceType =…
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