We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.PDF for Java 10.6.2. This version enhances the conversion from PDF to OFD and images and SVG to PDF. Besides, some known issues are fixed successfully in this version, such as the issue that an error "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" was thrown when extracting PDF tables. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREPDF-6767 Fixes the issue that an error "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" was thrown when extracting PDF tables. Bug SPIREPDF-6781 Fixes the issue that text was overlapped after converting PDF to images. Bug SPIREPDF-6796…
We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.Doc for Java 12.6.2. This version supports displaying a prompt message when a corresponding font is not found during Word conversion. Meanwhile, it also fixes some issues that occurred when converting Word to PDF, and HTML to Word. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREDOC-10465 Supports displaying a prompt message when a corresponding font is not found during Word conversion. Document doc = ConvertUtil.GetNewEngineDocument(); doc.loadFromFile(input); HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings substitutionWarningHandler = new HandleDocumentSubstitutionWarnings(); doc.setWarningCallback(substitutionWarningHandler); doc.saveToFile(output_1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iterator…
We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.XLS for Java 14.6.2. This version enhances the conversion from Excel to images. Besides, some known issues are fixed in this version, such as the issue that the effect of setting "autoFitColumns()" was incorrect. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREXLS-5223 Fixes the issue that the formula values were calculated incorrectly when transferring Excel to images. Bug SPIREXLS-5238 Fixes the issue that the effect of setting "autoFitColumns()" was incorrect. Bug SPIREXLS-5256 Fixes the issue that an exception "com.spire.xls.packages.spramg: Invalid…
We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.PDF for Python 10.6.1. This version supports comparing PDF documents and fixes some known issues, such as the application throwing an exception when obtaining image coordinates. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREPDF-6784 Supports comparing PDF documents. pdf1 = PdfDocument() pdf1.LoadFromFile(inputFile_1) pdf2 = PdfDocument() pdf2.LoadFromFile(inputFile_2) comparer = PdfComparer(pdf1, pdf2) comparer.Compare(outputFile) Bug SPIREPDF-6764 Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when obtaining image coordinates. Bug SPIREPDF-6795 Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when getting images…
We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.PDF 10.6.7. This version supports converting PDF documents to Markdown files. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature - Supports converting PDF documents to Markdown files. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument("input.pdf"); doc.SaveToFile("output.md", FileFormat.Markdown); Click the link to download Spire.PDF 10.6.7: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/download-pdf-for-net-now.html More information of Spire.PDF new release or hotfix: https://www.e-iceblue.com/forum/spire-pdf-new-release-or-hotfix-t4704.html
We are happy to announce the release of Spire.Barcode for Java 5.1.11. In this version, the BarcodeScanner class adds several methods for obtaining barcode information, scanning Aztec type, and scanning with more overload settings. Moreover, this release also includes some internal interface adjustments. Details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature SPIREBARCODE-258 The BarcodeScanner class supports obtaining barcode information, including barcode type, data value and vertex position information. BarcodeInfo[] infos = BarcodeScanner.scanInfo("barcode.png"); Point[] loaction = infos[0].getVertexes(); BarCodeReadType barCodeReadType = infos[0].getReadType(); String dataString = infos[0].getDataString(); New feature - The BarcodeScanner…
We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Doc 12.6.1. This version supports AI features, such as document generating, translating, polishing, and summarizing. Besides, it also enhances the conversion from Word to HTML, OFD, and PDF. Moreover, some known issues are fixed in this version, such as the issue that the layout was incorrect when printing Word documents. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description New feature - Supports AI features: document generation, document polishing, document translation, abstract generation, summary creation, spelling check, object recognition, article continuation, as well…
We are pleased to announce the release of Spire.Presentation for Java 9.6.0. This version mainly fixes several issues that occurred when converting PPTX to PDF/images, merging, loading and saving PowerPoint documents. More details are listed below. Here is a list of changes made in this release Category ID Description Bug SPIREPPT-2487 Fixes the issue that the links were missing when merging PowerPoint documents. Bug SPIREPPT-2499 Fixes the issue that the chart dynamics were lost after loading and saving PowerPoint documents. Bug SPIREPPT-2500 Fixes the issue that the program hanged when converting PowerPoint to PDF. Bug SPIREPPT-2517 Fixes the issue that…
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