Embed a Grid into a Grid Cell in PDF in C#

2018-06-21 09:28:18 Written by  support iceblue
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Spire.PDF supports to embed image and grid into a grid cell. We've introduced how to embed an image into a grid cell in the article - How to Insert an Image to PDF Grid Cell in C#, this article is going to show you how to embed a grid into a grid cell in PDF using Spire.PDF.

Detail steps:

Step 1: Create a PDF document and add a page to it.

PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
PdfPageBase page = pdf.Pages.Add();

Step 2: Create a PDF grid.

//Create a grid
PdfGrid grid = new PdfGrid();

//Add two rows 
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.Rows.Add();
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.Rows.Add();

//Set the Top and Bottom cell padding
grid.Style.CellPadding.Top = 5f;
grid.Style.CellPadding.Bottom = 5f;

//Add two columns

//Set columns' width 
grid.Columns[0].Width = 120f;
grid.Columns[1].Width = 120f;

Step 3: Create another PDF grid to embed.

//Create another grid
PdfGrid embedGrid = new PdfGrid();

//Add a row
PdfGridRow newRow = embedGrid.Rows.Add();

//Add two columns

//Set columns' width            
embedGrid.Columns[0].Width = 50f;
embedGrid.Columns[1].Width = 50f;

Step 4: Assign values to the cells of the embed grid and the grid, and set formatting.

//Create a PDFStringFormat instance
PdfStringFormat stringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);

//Assign values to the cells of the embedGrid and set formatting
newRow.Cells[0].Value = "Spire.Doc";
newRow.Cells[0].StringFormat = stringFormat;
newRow.Cells[1].Value = "Spire.PDF";
newRow.Cells[1].StringFormat = stringFormat;

//Assign values to the cells of the grid and set formatting
row1.Cells[0].Value = "Customer's Name";
row1.Cells[0].StringFormat = stringFormat;
row1.Cells[0].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray;
row1.Cells[1].Value = "Product(s)";
row1.Cells[1].StringFormat = stringFormat;
row1.Cells[1].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray;
row2.Cells[0].Value = "Michael";
row2.Cells[0].StringFormat = stringFormat;
//Assign the embedGrid to a cell of the grid
row2.Cells[1].Value = embedGrid;
row2.Cells[1].StringFormat = stringFormat;

Step 5: Draw the grid to the new added page.

grid.Draw(page, new PointF(0f, 50f));

Step 6: Save the document.



Embed a Grid into a Grid Cell in PDF in C#

Full code:

using Spire.Pdf.Grid;
using Spire.Pdf;
using System.Drawing;
using Spire.Pdf.Graphics;

namespace Embed_a_Grid_in_a_Grid_Cell_in_PDF
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a pdf document
            PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();

            //Add a page
            PdfPageBase page = pdf.Pages.Add();

            //Create a pdf grid
            PdfGrid grid = new PdfGrid();

            //Add two rows
            PdfGridRow row1 = grid.Rows.Add();
            PdfGridRow row2 = grid.Rows.Add();

            //Set Top and Bottom cell padding of the grid
            grid.Style.CellPadding.Top = 5f;
            grid.Style.CellPadding.Bottom = 5f;

            //Add two columns

            //Set the columns’ width
            grid.Columns[0].Width = 120f;
            grid.Columns[1].Width = 120f;

            //Create another grid to embed
            PdfGrid embedGrid = new PdfGrid();

            //Add a row
            PdfGridRow newRow = embedGrid.Rows.Add();

            //Add two columns
            //Set the columns’ width
            embedGrid.Columns[0].Width = 50f;
            embedGrid.Columns[1].Width = 50f;

            //Create a PDFStringFormat instance
            PdfStringFormat stringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);

            //Assign values to the cells of the embedGrid and set formatting
            newRow.Cells[0].Value = "Spire.Doc";
            newRow.Cells[0].StringFormat = stringFormat;
            newRow.Cells[1].Value = "Spire.PDF";
            newRow.Cells[1].StringFormat = stringFormat;

            //Assign values to the cells of the grid and set formatting
            row1.Cells[0].Value = "Customer's Name";
            row1.Cells[0].StringFormat = stringFormat;
            row1.Cells[0].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray;
            row1.Cells[1].Value = "Product(s)";
            row1.Cells[1].StringFormat = stringFormat;
            row1.Cells[1].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray;
            row2.Cells[0].Value = "Michael";
            row2.Cells[0].StringFormat = stringFormat;
            //Assign the embedGrid to the cell of the grid
            row2.Cells[1].Value = embedGrid;
            row2.Cells[1].StringFormat = stringFormat;            
            //Draw the grid to the new added page
            grid.Draw(page, new PointF(0f, 50f));

            //Save the pdf document

Additional Info

  • tutorial_title:
Last modified on Sunday, 26 September 2021 02:04