How to set internal margin for Word text box in C#

2015-09-28 08:35:40 Written by  support iceblue
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In our tutorials, there are articles introducing the method to insert, remove, position text box and extract text from text box. This article is going to give the documentation of how to set the internal margin for textbox with the position and line style settings included using Spire.Doc.

Note: before start, please download the latest version of Spire.Doc and add the .dll in the bin folder as the reference of Visual Studio.

Step 1: Create a Word document and add a section.

            Document document = new Document();
            Section sec = document.AddSection();

Step 2: Add a text box and append sample text.

            TextBox TB = document.Sections[0].AddParagraph().AppendTextBox(310, 90);
            Paragraph para = TB.Body.AddParagraph();
            TextRange TR = para.AppendText("Using Spire.Doc, developers will find a simple and effective method to endow their applications with rich MS Word features. ");
            TR.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Cambria ";
            TR.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 13;

Step 3: Set exact position for the text box.

            TB.Format.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Page;
            TB.Format.HorizontalPosition = 80;
            TB.Format.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Page;
            TB.Format.VerticalPosition = 100;

Step 4: Set line style for the text box.

            TB.Format.LineStyle = TextBoxLineStyle.Double;
            TB.Format.LineColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            TB.Format.LineDashing = LineDashing.DashDotDot;
            TB.Format.LineWidth = 5;

Step 5: Set internal margin for the text box:

            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Top = 15;
            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Bottom = 10;
            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Left = 12;
            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Right = 10;

Step 6: Save the document and launch to see effects.



How to set internal margin for Word text box in C#

Full Codes:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Spire.Doc;
using Spire.Doc.Documents;
using Spire.Doc.Fields;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Demo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Document document = new Document();
            Section sec = document.AddSection();

            TextBox TB = document.Sections[0].AddParagraph().AppendTextBox(310, 90);
            Paragraph para = TB.Body.AddParagraph();
            TextRange TR = para.AppendText("Using Spire.Doc, developers will find a simple and effective method to endow their applications with rich MS Word features. ");
            TR.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Cambria ";
            TR.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 13;
            TB.Format.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Page;
            TB.Format.HorizontalPosition = 80;
            TB.Format.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Page;
            TB.Format.VerticalPosition = 100;

            TB.Format.LineStyle = TextBoxLineStyle.Double;
            TB.Format.LineColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            TB.Format.LineDashing = LineDashing.DashDotDot;
            TB.Format.LineWidth = 5;

            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Top = 15;
            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Bottom = 10;
            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Left = 12;
            TB.Format.InternalMargin.Right = 10;


Additional Info

  • tutorial_title: Set internal margin for Word text box
Last modified on Friday, 03 September 2021 04:00