Word hyperlink gives a large amount of information of the original word and image. The text and image with hyperlinks can guides readers to a Web page, e-mail address, or the other files and documents. In this article, we’re focusing on how to insert hyperlink into the text in C# on WPF applications with the help of Spire.Doc for WPF.
Note: Before Start, please download the latest version of Spire.Doc and add Spire.Doc.Wpf.dll in the bin folder as the reference of Visual Studio.
Here comes to the code snippets:
Step 1: Create a word document and add a section and paragraph to it.
Document document = new Document(); Section Sec = document.AddSection(); Paragraph Para = Sec.AddParagraph();
Step 2: Set the styles for the text and hyperlinks on the paragraph.
ParagraphStyle txtStyle = new ParagraphStyle(document); txtStyle.Name = "Style"; txtStyle.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Calibri"; txtStyle.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 16; txtStyle.CharacterFormat.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.RosyBrown; document.Styles.Add(txtStyle); ParagraphStyle hyperlinkstyle = new ParagraphStyle(document); hyperlinkstyle.Name = "linkStyle"; hyperlinkstyle.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Calibri"; hyperlinkstyle.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 14; document.Styles.Add(hyperlinkstyle);
Step 3: Add the text to the paragraph with style and link it to a web page.
Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendText("Home page"); Para.ApplyStyle(txtStyle.Name); Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendHyperlink("HomePage", "www.e-iceblue.com",HyperlinkType.WebLink); Para.ApplyStyle(hyperlinkstyle.Name);
Step 4: Add the text to the paragraph with style and link it to an email address.
Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendText("Contact US"); Para.ApplyStyle(txtStyle.Name); Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendHyperlink("mailto:support@e-iceblue.com", "support@e-iceblue.com",HyperlinkType.EMailLink); Para.ApplyStyle(hyperlinkstyle.Name);
Step 5: Save the document to file and launch to preview it.
document.SaveToFile("Hyperlink.docx", FileFormat.Docx); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Hyperlink.docx");
Effective screenshot of adding hyperlinks to the word document in C#:
Full codes:
using Spire.Doc; using Spire.Doc.Documents; using System.Windows; namespace WpfApplication1 { public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Document document = new Document(); Section Sec = document.AddSection(); Paragraph Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); ParagraphStyle txtStyle = new ParagraphStyle(document); txtStyle.Name = "Style"; txtStyle.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Calibri"; txtStyle.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 16; txtStyle.CharacterFormat.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.RosyBrown; document.Styles.Add(txtStyle); ParagraphStyle hyperlinkstyle = new ParagraphStyle(document); hyperlinkstyle.Name = "linkStyle"; hyperlinkstyle.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Calibri"; hyperlinkstyle.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 14; document.Styles.Add(hyperlinkstyle); Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendText("Home page"); Para.ApplyStyle(txtStyle.Name); Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendHyperlink("www.e-iceblue.com", "www.e-iceblue.com", HyperlinkType.WebLink); Para.ApplyStyle(hyperlinkstyle.Name); Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendText("Contact US"); Para.ApplyStyle(txtStyle.Name); Para = Sec.AddParagraph(); Para.AppendHyperlink("mailto:support@e-iceblue.com", "support@e-iceblue.com", HyperlinkType.EMailLink); Para.ApplyStyle(hyperlinkstyle.Name); document.SaveToFile("Hyperlink.docx", FileFormat.Docx); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Hyperlink.docx"); } } }