Spire.XLS 13.12 enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF

2023-12-12 07:54:03

We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.XLS 13.12. This version enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF. Besides, many known issues are fixed in this version, such as the issue that the calculation of some formulas failed. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4838 Fixes the issue that it threw System.IndexOutOfRangeException and System.NullReferenceException exceptions when converting worksheets to HTML documents in multi-threaded parallel.
Bug SPIREXLS-4899 Fixes the issue that the VLOOKUP function was parsed incorrectly.
Bug SPIREXLS-4969 Fixes the issue that the obtained transparency value of cell color was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4972 Fixes the issue that the contents were overlapped after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4974 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.ArgumentNullException when loading documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4980 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Shape failing to render!" exception when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4993 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.NullReferenceException when merging excel documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4998 Fixes the issue that filling MarkerDesigner templates with data failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-5000 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when verifying the validity of data after deleting rows.
Bug SPIREXLS-5004 Fixes the issue that the calculation of some formulas failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-5005 Fixes the issue that the signature time of the added digital signature was 8 hours later than the actual time.
Bug SPIREXLS-5009 Fixes the issue that the reading of CLEAN formulas failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-5015 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.FormatException exception when loading a document.
Bug SPIREXLS-5019 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Cannot read that as a ZipFile" exception when reading HTML documents.
Click the link below to download Spire.XLS 13.12:
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