Retrieve a dictionary of all named ranges in a spreadsheet document

  • OpenXML SDK
  • Spire.XLS
  • Download Sample Code

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var result = GetDefinedNames(@"..\..\Documents\Sheet10.xlsx");
            foreach (var dn in result)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", dn.Key, dn.Value);
        public static Dictionary GetDefinedNames(String fileName)
            // Given a workbook name, return a dictionary of defined names.
            // The pairs include the range name and a string representing the range.
            var returnValue = new Dictionary();

            // Open the spreadsheet document for read-only access.
            using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, false))
                // Retrieve a reference to the workbook part.
                var wbPart = document.WorkbookPart;

                // Retrieve a reference to the defined names collection.
                DefinedNames definedNames = wbPart.Workbook.DefinedNames;

                // If there are defined names, add them to the dictionary.
                if (definedNames != null)
                    foreach (DefinedName dn in definedNames)
                        returnValue.Add(dn.Name.Value, dn.Text);
            return returnValue;

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strDoc = @"..\..\Documents\Sheet10.xlsx";
            Dictionary result = GetDefinedNames(strDoc);
            foreach (var dn in result)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", dn.Key, dn.Value);
        public static Dictionary GetDefinedNames(String fileName)

            var returnValue = new Dictionary();

            //Initialize a new Workboook object
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

            //Load the document

            //Getting all named ranges
            INameRanges range = workbook.NameRanges;

            //If there are items in Ranges, add them to the dictionary.
            if (range != null)
                foreach (INamedRange rn in range)
                    returnValue.Add(rn.Name, rn.Value.ToString());
            return returnValue;