EXCEL Wite Formulas in C#, VB.NET

  • Demo
  • C# source
  • VB.Net source

The sample demonstrates how to write formulas into spreadsheet..


		private void ExcelDocViewer( string fileName )

		private void btnRun_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
			Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

			int currentRow = 1;
			string currentFormula = string.Empty;

			sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 32);
			sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 16);
			sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 16);

			sheet.Range[currentRow++,1].Value = "Examples of formulas :";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow,1].Value = "Test data:";

			CellRange range = sheet.Range["A1"];
			range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
			range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
			range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
			range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;
			//test data
			sheet.Range[currentRow,2].NumberValue = 7.3;
                        sheet.Range[currentRow, 3].NumberValue = 5; ;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 4].NumberValue = 8.2;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 5].NumberValue = 4;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 6].NumberValue = 3;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 7].NumberValue = 11.3;
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Formulas"; ;
 			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = "Results";
 			range = sheet.Range[currentRow, 1, currentRow, 2];
			range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
			range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
			range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
			range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;
			currentFormula = "=\"hello\"";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = "=\"hello\"";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 3].Formula = "=\"" + new string(new char[] { '\u4f60', '\u597d' }) + "\"";

			currentFormula = "=300";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			// float
			currentFormula = "=3389.639421";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;			
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=false";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=33*3/4-2+10";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;			
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;			

			// sheet reference
			currentFormula = "=Sheet1!$B$3";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;			
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;
			// sheet area reference
			currentFormula = "=AVERAGE(Sheet1!$D$3:G$3)";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;			
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			// Functions
			currentFormula = "=Count(3,5,8,10,2,34)";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;			
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=NOW()";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Formula = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Style.NumberFormat = "yyyy-MM-DD";

			currentFormula = "=SECOND(11)";
			sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=MINUTE(12)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=MONTH(9)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=DAY(10)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=TIME(4,5,7)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=DATE(6,4,2)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=RAND()";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=HOUR(12)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=MOD(5,3)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=WEEKDAY(3)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=YEAR(23)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=NOT(true)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=OR(true)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=AND(TRUE)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=VALUE(30)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=LEN(\"world\")";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=MID(\"world\",4,2)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=ROUND(7,3)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=SIGN(4)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=INT(200)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=ABS(-1.21)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=LN(15)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=EXP(20)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=SQRT(40)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=PI()";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=COS(9)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=SIN(45)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=MAX(10,30)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=MIN(5,7)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=AVERAGE(12,45)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=SUM(18,29)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=IF(4,2,2)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

			currentFormula = "=SUBTOTAL(3,Sheet1!B2:E3)";
			sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
			sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

		Private Sub ExcelDocViewer(ByVal fileName As String)
			End Try
		End Sub

		Private Sub btnRun_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRun.Click
			Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
			Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)

			Dim currentRow As Integer = 1
			Dim currentFormula As String = String.Empty

			sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 32)
			sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 16)
			sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 16)

			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Value = "Examples of formulas :"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Value = "Test data:"

			Dim range As CellRange = sheet.Range("A1")
			range.Style.Font.IsBold = True
			range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid
			range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1
			range.Style.Borders(BordersLineType.EdgeBottom).LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium

			'test data
			sheet.Range(currentRow,2).NumberValue = 7.3
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 3).NumberValue = 5

			sheet.Range(currentRow, 4).NumberValue = 8.2
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 5).NumberValue = 4
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 6).NumberValue = 3
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 7).NumberValue = 11.3

			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Value = "Formulas"

			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Value = "Results"
			range = sheet.Range(currentRow, 1, currentRow, 2)
			range.Style.Font.IsBold = True
			range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1
			range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid
			range.Style.Borders(BordersLineType.EdgeBottom).LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium
			currentFormula = "=""hello"""
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = "=""hello"""
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 3).Formula = "=""" & ChrW(20320) & ChrW(22909) + """"

			currentFormula = "=300"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			' float
			currentFormula = "=3389.639421"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=false"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=33*3/4-2+10"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			' sheet reference
			currentFormula = "=Sheet1!$B$3"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			' sheet area reference
			currentFormula = "=AVERAGE(Sheet1!$D$3:G$3)"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			' Functions
			currentFormula = "=Count(3,5,8,10,2,34)"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=NOW()"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Style.NumberFormat = "yyyy-MM-DD"

			currentFormula = "=SECOND(11)"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			'currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=MINUTE(12)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=MONTH(9)"
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=DAY(10)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=TIME(4,5,7)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=DATE(6,4,2)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=RAND()"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=HOUR(12)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=MOD(5,3)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=WEEKDAY(3)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=YEAR(23)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=NOT(true)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=OR(true)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=AND(TRUE)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=VALUE(30)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=LEN(""world"")"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=MID(""world"",4,2)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=ROUND(7,3)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=SIGN(4)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=INT(200)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=ABS(-1.21)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=LN(15)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=EXP(20)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=SQRT(40)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=PI()"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=COS(9)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=SIN(45)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=MAX(10,30)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=MIN(5,7)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=AVERAGE(12,45)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=SUM(18,29)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=IF(4,2,2)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula

			currentFormula = "=SUBTOTAL(3,Sheet1!B2:E3)"
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 1).Text = currentFormula
			currentRow = currentRow + 1
			sheet.Range(currentRow, 2).Formula = currentFormula
		End Sub