Get Mailbox Information in C#, VB.NET

This article illustrates how to get mailbox information such as the number of messages, the size of mailbox and the unique id of a specific message using Spire.Email component.

Detail steps:

Step 1: Create a pop3 client.

Pop3Client pop = new Pop3Client();

Step 2: Set host, authentication, port and connection protocol.

pop.Host = "";
pop.Username = "";
pop.Password = "password";
pop.Port = 995;
pop.EnableSsl = true;

Step 3: Connect the pop server.


Step 4: Get information of mailbox.

//Get the number of messages
Console.WriteLine("Mailbox message count: " + pop.GetMessageCount());
//Get the size of mailbox
Console.WriteLine("Mailbox size: " + pop.GetSize() + " bytes");

//Get the unique id of the first message
Console.WriteLine("Message uid: " + pop.GetMessagesUid(1));


Get Mailbox Information in C#, VB.NET

Full code:

using System;
using Spire.Email.Pop3;

namespace Get_mailbox_information
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a pop3 client
            using (Pop3Client pop = new Pop3Client())
                //Set host, authentication, port and connection protocol
                pop.Host = "";
                pop.Username = "";
                pop.Password = "password";
                pop.Port = 995;
                pop.EnableSsl = true;

                //Connect the pop server

                //Get the number of messages
                Console.WriteLine("Mailbox message count: " + pop.GetMessageCount());

                //Get the size of mailbox
                Console.WriteLine("Mailbox size: " + pop.GetSize() + " bytes");

                //Get the unique id of the first message
                Console.WriteLine("Message uid: " + pop.GetMessagesUid(1));
Imports Spire.Email.Pop3

Namespace Get_mailbox_information
	Class Program
		Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
			'Create a pop3 client
			Using pop As New Pop3Client()
				'Set host, authentication, port and connection protocol
				pop.Host = ""
				pop.Username = ""
				pop.Password = "password"
				pop.Port = 995
				pop.EnableSsl = True

				'Connect the pop server

				'Get the number of messages
				Console.WriteLine("Mailbox message count: " + pop.GetMessageCount())

				'Get the size of mailbox
				Console.WriteLine("Mailbox size: " + pop.GetSize() + " bytes")

				'Get the unique id of the first message
				Console.WriteLine("Message uid: " + pop.GetMessagesUid(1))
			End Using
		End Sub
	End Class
End Namespace