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This article is intended to demonstrate and review the capabilities provided by the Spire.Doc for converting documents from one format to another. We have long passed the days when many developers would install Microsoft Office on the Server to manipulate the documents. First, it was a pretty bad design and practice. Second, Microsoft never intended to use Microsoft Office as a server component and it wasn't built for interpreting and manipulating documents...Check the full text
09, Apr 2014, By Manas Bhardwaj, Architect/Netherlands
Experienced (10y+) developer, solution architect and technology specialist.
One challenge that we had with writing the document generator all those years ago was finding an efficient way to insert formatted text into the document. Specifically, the resulting document contained sections of text, each with paragraphs and special formatting. Because of time constraints, the decision was made to not build a document on-the-fly by inserting text into it, but instead start with a document that had every possible section already in it...Check the full text
09, Jan 2014, By Manas Bhardwaj, Architect/Netherlands
Experienced (10y+) developer, solution architect and technology specialist.