This is the list of changelogs of Spire.XLS for Java New release and hotfix. You can get the detail information of each version's new features and bug solutions.

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Version: 13.11.6

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4966 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "java.lang.NullPointerException" exception when converting worksheets to HTML documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4967 Fixes the issue that excessive "0" characters occurred in the text content when converting Excel documents to HTML documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4968 Fixes the issue that the cell content was partially lost when converting Excel to PDF after setting the cell to auto-fit row height.
Bug SPIREXLS-4970 Fixes the issue that incorrect content was obtained from merged cells.
Bug SPIREXLS-4975 Fixes the issue that incorrect results were returned by string searches.
Bug SPIREXLS-4977 Fixes the issue that the chart references were updated incorrectly when copying worksheets.
Bug SPIREXLS-4990 Fixes the issue that incorrect DisplayedText values were obtained.

Version: 13.11.0

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4919 Supports retrieving comments from the Name Manager.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); 
INameRanges nameManager = workbook.getNameRanges(); 
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
for (int i = 0; i < nameManager.getCount(); i++) { 
XlsName name = (XlsName) nameManager.get(i); 
stringBuilder.append("Name: " + name.getName() + ", Comment: " + name.getCommentValue() + "\r
Bug SPIREXLS-4911 Improves the speed of converting Excel to PDF on Linux.
Bug SPIREXLS-4860 Fixes the issue that the page size setting failed after setting the setSheetFitToPage method when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4894 Fixes the issue that removing pivot table borders failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-4906 Fixes the issue that text was reversed and cropped after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4923 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Invalid ValidationAlertType" when reading an Excel file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4924 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Input string was not in the correct format" when reading an Excel file.

Version: 13.10.0

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4896 Supports verifying whether the password for restricted editing is correct.
worksheet.checkProtectionPassword(String password) 
Bug SPIREXLS-4879 Fixes the issue that the content of the document was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
Fixes the issue that the content in charts was incorrect when converting Excel to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4893 Fixes the issue that table borders were lost when converting Excel to OFD.
Bug SPIREXLS-4900 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Invalid ValidationAlertType string val" when loading an Excel file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4901 Fixes the issue that pivot table calculated fields couldn’t be added as column fields.
Bug SPIREXLS-4902 Fixes the issue that the names of pivot table calculated fields were automatically prefixed with "Sum of".
Bug SPIREXLS-4910 Fixes the issue that the program threw "java.lang.ClassException" when loading an Excel file.

Version: 13.9.2

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4731 Optimizes the conversion time from Excel to PDF.
New feature SPIREXLS-4852 Adds the function of finding cells based on regular expressions.
Bug SPIREXLS-3760 Fixes the issue that the program threw "" exception when using spire.xls.jar under IBM websphere.
Bug SPIREXLS-4873 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Input string was not in the correct format" exception when loading documents.

Version: 13.8.1

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4797 Supports setting images for the first page header and footer.
//Set image for first page header
//Set image for first page footer
//Set image size
New feature SPIREXLS-4831 Supports getting the hyperlinks of pictures.
ExcelPicture picture = sheet.getPictures().get(0);
HyperLink link = picture.getHyperLink();
String address = link.getAddress();
Bug SPIREXLS-4078 Fixes the issue that Excel files saved in Tomcat had garbled formulas.
Bug SPIREXLS-4737 Fixes the issue that opening files converted from Excel to PDF in Adobe resulted in an error.
Bug SPIREXLS-4770 Fixes the issue that the content formatting of files converted from Excel to images was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4800 Fixes the issue that setting the maximum row was not taking effect.
Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullPointerException" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4822 Fixes the issue that Excel files saved in WinServer2012 had garbled content in dropdown menus.
Bug SPIREXLS-4829 Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullPointerException" when loading Excel files created with the new version of WPS.
Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullPointerException" when loading Excel files.

Version: 13.7.3

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4745 Optimizes the time consumption of getting the number of pages.
Bug SPIREXLS-4758 Fixes the issue that the converted PDF failed to open with adobe under the regional setting of Portugal and Brazil.
Bug SPIREXLS-4759 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception NullPointerException when using calculateAllValue.
Bug SPIREXLS-4760 Fixes the issue that the contents overlapped when converting Excel to pictures.
Bug SPIREXLS-4761 Fixes the issue that the number of pages obtained was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4779 Fixes the issue that extra content appeared when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4780 Fixes the issue that the content was lost when converting Excel to PDF.

Version: 13.6.5

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4691 Fixes the issue that the horizontal axis of charts changed after adding watermarks.
Fixes the issue that content changed after saving "et" format document as a new document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4713 Fixes the issue that the content changed after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4730 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception "Culture ID: 14345 is not a supported culture" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4732 Fixes the issue that the document displayed differently in WPS and Microsoft Excel after adding watermark.
Bug SPIREXLS-4739 Fixes the issue that the image was lost after loading a document and saving it as a new document.

Version: 13.6.0

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4611 Fixes the issue that the font effects were inconsistent when converting Excel to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4639 Fixes the issue that the superscript and subscript format was lost when converting Excel to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4642 Fixes the issue that the horizontal coordinate of the chart changed after adding an image watermark.
Bug SPIREXLS-4650 Fixes the issue that the program hangs when loading Excel documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4669 Fixes the issue that setting the background color of the pivot table column name field failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-4671 Fixes the issue that the document data lost after adding an image watermark.
Bug SPIREXLS-4679 Fixes the issue that the memory overflow exception was thrown when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4680 Fixes the issue that the decimal place retention in numeric charts was inconsistent when converting them to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4682 Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.ClassCastException exception when loading an Excel document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4685 Fixes the issue that the result file failed to open after adding the LOG function.
Bug SPIREXLS-4687 Fixes the issue that the style changed when loading and saving an et format file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4688 Fixes the issue that the chart coordinate axis format changed when loading and saving an et format file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4736 Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.ClassFormatError exception when converting Excel to PDF.

Version: 13.5.2

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4586 Fixes the issue that the positions of text and line were incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4606 Fixes the issue that using the sheet.insertArray method to insert data did not get the correct result.
Bug SPIREXLS-4612 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.NullPointerException" when loading Excel files.
Bug SPIREXLS-4615 Fixes the issue that the trend line was lost when converting charts to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4634 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.ArrayIndexOfBoundsException" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4635 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.StringIndexOfBoundsException" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4637 Fixes the issue that the date format was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.

Version: 13.4.1

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4512 Fixed the issue that the image height changing after inserting images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4562 Fixed the issue that the filters were not working when specifying a single row data range.
Bug SPIREXLS-4563 Fixed the issue that java.lang.NullPointerException error being thrown during Excel to HTML conversion.
Bug SPIREXLS-4574 Fixed the issue that "Invalid formula" error being thrown during Excel to PDF conversion.
Bug SPIREXLS-4576 Fixed the issue that "String index out of range" error being thrown during Excel to PDF conversion.
Bug SPIREXLS-4577 Fixed the issue that java.lang.NullPointerException error being thrown during Excel to PDF conversion.