Wednesday, 06 April 2011 09:13

PDF Bookmark in C#, VB.NET

The sample demonstrates how to work with bookmark in PDF document.

Download Bookmark.pdf

Published in Interaction
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 05:30

PDF TableLayout in C#, VB.NET

The sample demonstrates how to set PDF table layout.

Download TableLayout.pdf

Published in Table
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 05:25

PDF ImageTable in C#, VB.NET

The sample demonstrates how to export data and pictures from database into a table in PDF document and set table format.

Download ImageTable.pdf

Published in Table
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 01:56

PDF SimpleTable in C#, VB.NET

The sample demonstrates how to export data into a table in PDF document.

Download SimpleTable.pdf

Published in Table