Spire.Presentation 8.7.2 adds a method for resetting the default font list for document conversion

2023-07-21 07:46:08

We are happy to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 8.7.2. This version adds a method for resetting the default font list for document conversion and adds a method for setting the preferred font to be used when converting PDF or image files that require fonts not installed in the system. Besides, it also enhances the conversion from PowerPoint to images. What's more, some known issues are fixed in this version, such as the issue that the resulting file failed to open after manipulating chart data.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New feature - Adds a method for resetting the default font list for document conversion.
New feature - Adds a method for setting the preferred font to be used when converting PDF or image files that require fonts not installed in the system.
Bug SPIREPPT-2300 Fixes the issue that the charts were lost when converting PowerPoint documents to images.
Bug SPIREPPT-2302 Fixes the issue that the resulting file failed to open after manipulating chart data.
Bug SPIREPPT-2303 Fixes the issue that the program to throw "Spire.Presentation.DocumentUnkownFormatException" exception when loading PowerPoint documents.
Bug SPIREPPT-2304 Fixes the issue that modifying the text color of hyperlinks did not take effect.
Click the link below to download Spire.Presentation 8.7.2
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