Spire.Presentation 8.1.1 supports the function of replying to comments

2023-01-16 06:51:07

We are pleased to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 8.1.1. This version supports the function of replying to comments. Besides, it fixes the issue that the generated chart data of Excel was changed from null to 0. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPPT-2133 Supports the function of replying to comments.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
ICommentAuthor author = ppt.CommentAuthors.AddAuthor("E-iceblue", "comment");
ppt.Slides[0].AddComment(author, "Add comment", new System.Drawing.Point(18, 25), DateTime.Now);
Comment comment = ppt.Slides[0].Comments[0];
if (!comment.IsReply)
 comment.Reply(author, "Add Reply1", DateTime.Now);
 comment.Reply(author, "Add Reply2", DateTime.Now);
ppt.Slides[0].DeleteComment(author, "Add Reply1");
ppt.SaveToFile(outputFile, FileFormat.Pptx2013);
Bug SPIREPPT-2124 Fixes the issue that the generated chart data of Excel was changed from null to 0.
Bug SPIREPPT-2124 Fixes the issue that the shape's direction was changed after canceling the shape combination.
Click the link to download Spire. Presentation 8.1.1:
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