Spire.PDF 9.5.4 optimizes the function of compressing PDF documents

2023-05-23 06:00:17

We are happy to announce the release of Spire.PDF 9.5.4. This version optimizes the function of compressing PDF documents. It also enhances the conversion from PDF to Word, OFD, and images. In addition, a lot of known issues are fixed in this version, such as the issue that it failed to highlight text. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDF-5840 Optimizes the function of compressing PDF documents.
PdfCompressor compressor = new PdfCompressor("input.pdf");
compressor.Options.TextCompressionOptions.UnembedFonts = true;
compressor.Options.ImageCompressionOptions.CompressImage = true;
compressor.Options.ImageCompressionOptions.ResizeImages = true;
compressor.Options.ImageCompressionOptions.ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Low;
Bug SPIREPDF-5170 Fixes the issue that inserting html code containing <ul> tags, etc. did not take effect.
Bug SPIREPDF-5601 Fixes the issue that the result document failed to open with Adobe tools after copying pdf pages.
Bug SPIREPDF-5883 Fixes the issue that text wrapping was incorrect after converting PDF to Word.
Bug SPIREPDF-5897 Fixes the issue that spaces between words disappeared after converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-5903 Fixes the issue that highlighting text failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-5923 Fixes the issue that null pointer exceptions occurred when saving flattened form fields.
Bug SPIREPDF-5938 Fixes the issue that annotations were lost after printing PDF files with annotations.
Bug SPIREPDF-5939 Fixes the issue that table extraction results were incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDF-5950 Fixes the issue that System.InvalidOperationException exceptions occurred when converting PDF to OFD.
Bug SPIREPDF-5951 Fixes the issue that extracted text exceeded the table boundaries.
Bug SPIREPDF-5952 Fixes the issue that setting the width with PdfAnnotationBorder border = new PdfAnnotationBorder() {Width = 20f} did not work.
Bug SPIREPDF-5968 Fixes the issue that filling XFA Form fields failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-5970 Fixes the issue that System.ArgumentException exceptions occurred when converting OFD to PDF.
Click the link to download Spire.PDF 9.5.4:
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