We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Office for Java 4.10.5. This version brings some new features. For instance, Spire.XLS for Java supports setting the marker color for the SparkLine as well as supports printing comments when converting Excel to images; Spire.Doc for Java supports loading and saving .wps and .wpt files; Spire.Presentation for Java enhances the conversion from PowerPoint to images. Meanwhile, a lot of bugs have been successfully fixed. More details are listed as follow.
Click the link to download Spire.Office for Java 4.10.5:
Here is a list of changes made in this release
Spire.XLS for Java
Category | ID | Description |
New feature | SPIREXLS-3391 | Supports setting the marker color for the SparkLine.
Workbook book = new Workbook(); book.loadFromFile("D:/SparkLine.xlsx"); Worksheet worksheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0); SparklineGroupCollection sparklineGroup = worksheet.getSparklineGroups(); sparklineGroup.get(1).setMarkersColor(Color.YELLOW); book.saveToFile("D:/result.xlsx", FileFormat.Version2016); |
New feature | SPIREXLS-3424 | Supports printing comments when converting Excel to images.
worksheet.getPageSetup().setPrintComments(PrintCommentType.InPlace); |
New feature | SPIREXLS-3451 | Supports loading and saving .et/.ett files.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); workbook.loadFromFile(inputFile); workbook.saveToFile(etFile, FileFormat.ET); workbook.saveToFile(ettFile, FileFormat.ETT); |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3334 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "NullPointerException" when converting Excel to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3388 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Invalid MsoLineDashStyle string val" when converting Excel to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3394 | Fixes the issue that part of the cell borders was not displayed after adding a hyperlink. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3439 | Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Excel to HTML. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3446 | Fixes the issue that it returned the wrong count when getting the cell count of the named ranges. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3447 | Fixes the issue that it returned the wrong value when checking if a named range was visible. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3448 | Fixes the issue that link address was incorrect after converting Excel to HTML. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3454 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Exception in thread" when creating Workbook objects using multiple threads. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3462 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "NullPointerException" when getting the chart title. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3479 | Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Excel to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREXLS-3490 | Fixes the issue that the date format was incorrect after converting Excel to PDF. |
Spire.Doc for Java
Category | ID | Description |
New feature | SPIREDOC-6743 | Supports loading and saving .wps and .wpt files.
Document document = new Document(); document.loadFromFile(inputFile, FileFormat.WPS); //document.loadFromFile(inputFile, FileFormat.WPT); document.saveToFile(outputFile, FileFormat.WPS); //document.saveToFile(outputFile, FileFormat.WPT); |
Bug | SPIREDOC-5839 | Fixes the issue that the line break was incorrect after converting Word to PDF. |
Fixes the issue that the comparison result was incorrect after comparing two Word documents. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-5768 SPIREDOC-5768 |
Fixes the issue that the text across paragraphs could not be found when using regular expressions. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6171 | Fixes the issue that the charts were not rendered correctly after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6379 SPIREDOC-6745 |
Fixes the issue that the field was not updated correctly after mail merge. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6391 | Fixes the issue that the image position was incorrect after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6428 | Fixes the issue that it failed to set the value of the DocProperty field in the header. |
Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6546 | Fixes the issue that table border was not displayed correctly when opening the result file in WPS. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6552 | Fixes the issue that the changes markup was incorrect after converting Word to HTML and back to Word. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6581 | Fixes the issue that the image was missing after converting Word to PDF. |
Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after accepting the changes. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6589 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "IllegalArgumentException" when loading a Word document. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6614 | Fixes the issue that the text overlapped after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6631 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" when merging Word files. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6647 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" when accepting changes. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6662 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "NullPointerException" when getting bookmarks after accepting changes. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6663 | Fixes the issue that the table borders were missing when opening result file in WPS after converting Doc to Docx. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6669 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "IllegalArgumentException" when converting Word to HTML. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6670 | Fixes the issue that there was extra image after converting Word to HTML and back to Word. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6672 | Fixes the issue that the result file couldn't be printed in Mac OS after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6702 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32" when loading a Word document. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6703 | Fixes the issue that the table width was changed after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6704 | Fixes the issue that there were extra images after converting Word to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6705 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "'span' is expected Line 1, position 67" when loading a Word document. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6712 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "StackOverFlowError" when updating the TOC. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6753 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Input String was not in the correct format" when updating the TOC. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6792 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "No have this value 104" when loading a Word document. |
Bug | SPIREDOC-6797 | Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "No have this value 5" when loading a Word document. |
Spire.Presentation for Java
Category | ID | Description |
Bug | SPIREPPT-1688 | Fixes the issue that the application threw an error “Invalid format string” when loading a PPT file. |
Bug | SPIREPPT-1689 | Fixes the issue that the application hanged when converting a PPT to images. |