Spire.Office for Java 7.8.0 is released

2022-08-04 01:05:15

We are glad to announce the release of Spire.Office for Java 7.8.0. In this version, Spire.XLS for Java supports custom sorting and supports converting Excel containing chart types defined by Excel 2016 to PDF and images; Spire.Presentation for Java supports converting all slides from a PowerPoint document to an SVG file and deleting macros from PPTM files; Spire.Doc for Java enhances the conversion from Word and HTML to PDF; Spire.PDF for Java enhances the conversion from PDF to images, Tiff, OFD, and PDF/A3A as well as Tiff to PDF. Additionally, many known bugs have been fixed successfully. More details are listed below.

Click the link to download Spire.Office for Java 7.8.0:

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Spire.XLS for Java

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-3704 Supports custom sorting.
wb.getDataSorter().getSortColumns().add(0, new String[]
{"12345","Argentina", "Area", "Chile", "Capital","USA","Ecuador","Guyana"}
); wb.getDataSorter().sort(wb.getWorksheets().get(0).getRange().get("A1:A8"));
New feature - Supports converting Excel containing chart types defined by Excel 2016 to PDF and images.
Bug SPIREXLS-3524 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect chart content after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3862 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect line color after converting Excel to Html.
Bug SPIREXLS-3863 Fixes the issue that the chart became blurry after converting Excel to Html.
Bug SPIREXLS-3975 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect data after importing data from datatable in sheet
Bug SPIREXLS-3976 Fixes the issue that the line format was changed after adding TrendLines to chart.
Bug SPIREXLS-3979 Fixes the issue that the content in X axis was incorrect after converting chart to image.

Spire.Presentation for Java

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPPT-1983 Supports deleting macros from PPTM files.
New feature SPIREPPT-1995 Provides the method isSlideSizeAutoFit() to fit content to the slide size when cloning slides. Note: currently only 4:3->16:9 is supported.
Presentation presentation1 =new Presentation();
Presentation presentation2 =new Presentation();
ILayout layout = presentation1.getSlides().get(0).getLayout();
presentation1.saveToFile(outputFile, FileFormat.PPTX_2013);
New feature SPIREPPT-1996 Supports converting all slides from a PowerPoint document to an SVG file.
byte[] bytes=ppt.saveToOneSVG();
try(java.io.FileOutputStream stream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(outputFile)){
Bug SPIREPPT-1982 Fixes the issue that the application threw exceptions "NullPointerException" and “Unsupported Image Type” when converting PPT to images.
Bug SPIREPPT-1990 Fixes the issue that the size of text font was reduced after splitting the PowerPoint document according to the slides.
Bug SPIREPPT-1991 Fixes the issue that when setShowLoop(true) method has been set to loop the slideshow, the Microsoft PowerPoint would stop after playing the first slide.
Bug SPIREPPT-1994 Optimizes the speed of loading PowerPoint files.
Bug SPIREPPT-2000 Adjusts the names of slide.SaveToFile(), SaveToSVG() methods to saveToFile() and saveToSVG().
Bug SPIREPPT-2004 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception “Java heap space" when converting PowerPoint to images.

Spire.Doc for Java

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREDOC-4372 Fixes the issue that the application hung when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-6957 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "IndexOutOfBoundException" when converting HTML to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7123 Fixes the issue that the password was lost after loading and saving a password-protected Word document.
Bug SPIREDOC-7524 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect number list after converting Word to HTML.
Fixes the issue that caused incorrect pagination after converting Word to PDF.
Fixes the issue that caused incorrect text wrapping after converting Word to PDF.
Fixes the issue that the contents were overlapped after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7739 Fixes the issue that the location of line was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7748 Fixes the issue that the location of number was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7758 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect content format after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7820 Fixes the issue that the table text was not centered after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7851 Fixes the issue that setting the docPicture.setWidthScale and docPicture.setHeightScale properties didn't take effect.
Bug SPIREDOC-7913 Fixes the issue that caused incomplete content and blurry table after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7912 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect table format after converting HTML to image.
Fixes the issue that the decimal point was covered after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7955 Fixes the issue that the content was blank after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7966 Fixes the issue that the date repeated after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7981 Fixes the issue that the border of table was lost after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8011 Fixes the issue that the content was blank after adding LatexMathCode.
Bug SPIREDOC-8012 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect content after adding LatexMathCode.
Bug SPIREDOC-8039 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect order of cell content after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8040 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect wrapping of cell content after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8065 Fixes the issue that the table contents were messed up after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8078 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "IndexOutOfBoundException" when removing table cell.
Bug SPIREDOC-8087 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect text wrapping after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8093 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "Unknow char: \" when appending HTML to Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-8104 Fixes the issue that the text was garbled after converting Word PDF with new engine.
Bug SPIREDOC-8155 Fixes the issue that the application threw the Unknown char: ' when loading Word document.
Bug SPIREDOC-8172 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect data of field after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8201 Fixes the issue that the decimal point was lost after converting Word to PDF.

Spire.PDF for Java

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDF-5248 Fixes the issue that some characters were incorrect after converting PDF to PDF/A3A.
Bug SPIREPDF-5312 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception "Parameter is invalid" when converting PDF to Tiff.
Bug SPIREPDF-5322 Fixes the issue that the location of text was incorrect after converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5327 Fixed the issue that after converting PDF to OFD, the content was lost when opened with Dotpoly OFD reader.
Bug SPIREPDF-5332 Fixes the issue that the text displayed incorrectly after converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5337 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception "No have this TiffTag" when converting Tiff to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5350 Fixes the issue that the content was lost after converting PDF to OFD.
Bug SPIREPDF-5362 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception "NullPointerException" when loading PDF.