We are excited to announce the release of Spire.XLS for Python 13.11.1. This version adds IPivotTableOptions.ReportLayout get/set methods and ConverterSetting.ToImageWithoutMargins get/set methods. Besides, a lot of known issues are successfully fixed in this version, such as the issue that it threw an exception when initializing IOleObjects. More details are listed below.
Here is a list of changes made in this release
Category | ID | Description |
New feature | - | Adds IPivotTableOptions.ReportLayout get/set methods. |
New feature | - | Adds ConverterSetting.ToImageWithoutMargins get/set methods. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when the result of executing getFormula() method and getFormulaStringValue() method under XlsRange was null. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing the Workbook.IsPasswordProtected() method. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing IChartErrorBars.Border. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing XlsRange.Hyperlinks, XlsRange.Borders, XlsRange.RichText, XlsShape.Format3D, and XlsShape.LinkedCell. |
Bug | - | Fix the issue that it threw an exception when executing ChartCategoryAxis.MajorGridLines and ChartCategoryAxis.MinorGridLines. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing ChartSerieDataFormat.AreaProperties. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when initializing PivotCalculatedFieldsCollection. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing PivotConditionalFormatCollection.AddPivotConditionalFormat. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing XlsChartLegendEntry.TextArea. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when initializing XlsChartCollection. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing XlsPivotTable.CalculatedFields, XlsPivotTable.PageFields, XlsPivotTable.RowFields, and XlsPivotTable.ColumnFields. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when initializing IOleObjects. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing RichTextObject.GetFont. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing XlsHyperLinksCollection.get_Item, XlsHyperLinksCollection.Add. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when initializing XlsPivotTablesCollection. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when initializing XlsWorksheetConditionalFormats. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing Worksheet.RemovePicture. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing XlsConditionalFormat. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that it threw an exception when executing XlsValidationWrapper.Values. |
Bug | - | Fixes the issue that the header image was displayed in complete black color. |
Click the link below to get Spire.XLS for Python 13.11.1: