Spire.XLS for Java 14.5.1 enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF

2024-05-20 09:42:10

We are happy to announce the release of Spire.XLS for Java 14.5.1. This version enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF and images. Besides, some known issues are fixed successfully in this version, such as the issue that the XLOOKUP formula was not calculated correctly. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-5215 Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullPointerException" when converting an Excel document to an HTML document.
Bug SPIREXLS-5219 Fixes the issue that the content of charts was incorrect after converting them to pictures.
Bug SPIREXLS-5221 Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullPointerException" exception when calling calculateAllValue() method to calculate formulas and convert Excel documents to pictures.
Bug SPIREXLS-5222 Fixes the issue that the chart content was incorrect after converting an Excel document to a PDF document.
Bug SPIREXLS-5224 Fixes an issue that the chart style was incorrect after loading and saving an XLSM document.
Bug SPIREXLS-5230 Fixes the issue that the XLOOKUP formula was calculated incorrectly.
Click the link to download Spire.XLS for Java 14.5.1: