We're glad to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 9.3.4. This version adds SaveToSvgOption for settings PPTX to SVG conversion options, and it also supports retrieving the default font style of a PowerPoint document. Besides, some issues that occurred when converting PPTX to PDF/ SVG, loading and saving files are successfully fixed. See the content below for more details.
Here is a list of changes made in this release
Category | ID | Description |
New feature | SPIREPPT-2445 | Support retrieving the default font styles of a PowerPoint document.
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(); presentation.LoadFromFile(inputFile); IAutoShape shape = presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as IAutoShape; DefaultTextRangeProperties format = shape.TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].TextRanges[0].DisPlayFormat; File.AppendAllText(outputFile, "text :" + shape.TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].TextRanges[0].Text + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(outputFile, "is bold :" + format.IsBold + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(outputFile, "is italic :" + format.IsItalic + "\r\n"); |
New feature | SPIREPPT-2451 | Adds SaveToSvgOption for settings PPTX to SVG conversion options.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation(); ppt.LoadFromFile(inputFile); ppt.SaveToSvgOption.SaveUnderlineAsDecoration = true; byte[] svgByte = ppt.Slides[0].Shapes[0].SaveAsSvgInSlide(); FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFile + "1.svg", FileMode.Create); fs.Write(svgByte, 0, svgByte.Length); fs.Close(); |
New feature | SPIREPPT-2459 | Adds the showMasterShapes property to the ILayout class to display background shapes.
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(); presentation.LoadFromFile(@"in.pptx"); bool showMasterShape = presentation.Slides[1].Layout.ShowMasterShapes; |
Bug | SPIREPPT-2443 | Fixes the issue that the gradient color was incorrect when converting PPTX to SVG. |
Bug | SPIREPPT-2452 | Fixes the issue that the image quality degraded when converting PPTX to PDF. |
Bug | SPIREPPT-2453 | Fixes the issue that the text space was lost when converting shape to SVG. |
Bug | SPIREPPT-2454 | Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect when loading and saving PPTX documents. |
Click the link to download Spire.Presentation 9.3.4:
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