Spire.Presentation 9.3.0 supports AI features

2024-03-07 06:03:52

We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 9.3.0. This version adds the PresentationAI feature to the original Spire.Presentation product. By sending requests to the AI model, it is possible to achieve functions such as text refinement, translation, text summarization, text continuation, presentation generation, and image generation with the help of AI. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of the main AI functions and their APIs

Function API
Text polishing public string Polish(IShape shape,string language);
Translation public string Translate(ISlide slide, string language);
Summarization public string Summarize(IShape shape, string language);
Presentation generation public Presentation Generate(string describe, string language, bool genareteBackGroundImage);
Questioning public string Ask(string question, bool enableHistory = false);
Document search public string DocumentSearch(string question, string file_server_path, bool enableHistory = false);
Image generation public Stream ImageGenerate(string description);
Click the link below to download Spire.Presentation 9.3.0:
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