Spire.PDF 10.10.0 supports ignoring images when converting PDF to Markdown

2024-10-10 09:04:24

We are excited to announce the release of Spire.PDF 10.10.0. The latest version supports ignoring images when converting PDF to Markdown. Besides, some known bugs are fixed successfully, such as the issue that opening the resulting document after converting a PDF document to a PDF/A document caused an error. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDF-7003 Supports ignoring images when converting PDF to Markdown.
PdfToMarkdownConverter converter = new PdfToMarkdownConverter(inputFile); converter.MarkdownOptions.IgnoreImage = true; 
New feature SPIREPDF-7030 Extends the PdfMDPSignatureMaker class to support passing an IPdfSignatureFormatter object.
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();

X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(inputFile_pfx, "e-iceblue");
IPdfSignatureFormatter formatter = new PdfPKCS7Formatter(cert, false);
PdfMDPSignatureMaker pdfMDPSignatureMaker = new PdfMDPSignatureMaker(pdf, formatter);

PdfSignature signature = pdfMDPSignatureMaker.Signature;
signature.Name = "e-iceblue";
signature.ContactInfo = "028-81705109";
signature.Location = "chengdu";
signature.Reason = " this document";

PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = new PdfSignatureAppearance(signature);
appearance.NameLabel = "Signer: ";
appearance.ContactInfoLabel = "ContactInfo: ";
appearance.LocationLabel = "Loaction: ";
appearance.ReasonLabel = "Reason: ";

pdfMDPSignatureMaker.MakeSignature("signName", pdf.Pages[0], 100, 100, 250, 200, appearance);
pdf.SaveToFile(outputFile, FileFormat.PDF);
New feature SPIREPDF-7030 Supports signing existing signature fields using either the PdfOrdinarySignatureMaker class or the PdfMDPSignatureMaker class.
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
PdfFormWidget widgets = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;
for (int i = 0; i < widgets.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
    PdfFieldWidget widget = widgets.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfFieldWidget;
    if (widget is PdfSignatureFieldWidget)
        string originalName = widget.Name;
        X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(inputFile_pfx, "e-iceblue");
        IPdfSignatureFormatter formatter = new PdfPKCS7Formatter(cert, false);

        // PdfMDPSignatureMaker signatureMaker = new PdfMDPSignatureMaker(pdf, formatter);
        PdfOrdinarySignatureMaker signatureMaker = new PdfOrdinarySignatureMaker(pdf, formatter);

        PdfSignature signature = signatureMaker.Signature;
        signature.Name = "E-iceblue";
        signature.ContactInfo = "028-81705109";
        signature.Location = "chengdu";
        signature.Reason = "document";

        PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = new PdfSignatureAppearance(signature);
        appearance.NameLabel = "Signer: ";
        appearance.ContactInfoLabel = "ContactInfo: ";
        appearance.LocationLabel = "Loaction: ";
        appearance.ReasonLabel = "Reason: ";
        appearance.SignatureImage = PdfImage.FromFile(inputFile_Img);
        appearance.GraphicMode = GraphicMode.SignImageAndSignDetail;

        signatureMaker.MakeSignature(originalName, appearance);
Bug SPIREPDF-6736 Fixes the issue that opening the resulting document after converting a PDF document to a PDFA document caused an error.
Bug SPIREPDF-6946 Fixes the issue that the application threw the System.IndexOutOfRangeException: "Index was outside the bounds of the array." exception when converting a PDF document to a PPTX document.
Bug SPIREPDF-6948 Fixes the issue that converting a PDF document to images experienced a decrease in speed.
Bug SPIREPDF-7006 Fixes the issue that validating the validity of signatures always returned false for the first signature.
Bug SPIREPDF-7012 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception when converting an OFD document to a PDF document.
Bug SPIREPDF-7013 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "Invalid font weight value: 681" exception when converting an OFD document to a PDF document.
Bug SPIREPDF-7027 Fixes the issue that converting an OFD document to a PDF document resulted in content loss.
Bug SPIREPDF-7032 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception when compressing a PDF document.
Bug SPIREPDF-7046 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "NullReferenceException" exception when converting a PDF document to a ToPdfA3B document without applying license.
Click the link to download Spire.PDF 10.10.0:
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