- Windows 11
- WPF(.NET 6.0)
- Spire.Office 8.1.1
Creating a Workbook using Spire XLS and executing the Workbook.SaveToStream method results in a PlatformNotSupported Exception.
Even if an Exception occurs, it will be saved in the Stream.
And the Exception won't occur after the first time.
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
Exception Log
[11:15:26.483][Error][][]An AppDomain first exception occurred.
- Error: System.PlatformNotSupportedException : Operation is not supported on this platform.
System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Operation is not supported on this platform.
at spr劓.ᜀ.BeginInvoke(WebProxy A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Int32 A_3, String A_4, AsyncCallback A_5, Object A_6)
at spr劓.ᜂ(String A_0, String A_1, Int32 A_2, String A_3)