As attached file.
I want to delete the last 3 rows (A13,A14,A15) from category labels.
And i also want to delete them from the graph (Maybe series[0] ~ series[4]).
So, i can save the presentation to pdf without any problem.
But when i save it to pptx(2013) then i got a exception as below
here is my source
- Code: Select all
IChart chart = ppt.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as IChart;
chart.Categories.CategoryLabels = chart.ChartData[1, 0, 11, 0];
chart.Series[0].Values = chart.ChartData["B2", "B11"];
chart.Series[1].Values = chart.ChartData["C2", "C11"];
chart.Series[2].Values = chart.ChartData["D2", "D11"];
chart.Series[3].Values = chart.ChartData["E2", "E11"];
chart.Series[4].Values = chart.ChartData["F2", "F11"];
Do you have any suggests or idea?
spr⇓.ᜀ(Int32 A_0) +20
spr⤔.ᜁ(spr⇓ A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Int32 A_3) +20
spr⅊.ᜀ(spr⭞ A_0) +84
spr.ᜀ(spr⦤ A_0) +118
spr₼.ᜀ(spr➸ A_0) +1048
sprᨦ.ᜀ(spr➸ A_0) +4003
sprᨦ.ᜁ(Stream A_0) +85
sprᦀ.() +10632
sprᦀ.ᜀ(spr➸ A_0) +2559
Spire.Presentation.Collections.ShapeList.ᜀ(spr➸ A_0) +114
Spire.Presentation.GroupShape.PptxPrepareForSaving(spr➸ saveContext) +117
Spire.Presentation.ActiveSlide.PresentationBeforeSave(spr➸ saveContext) +211
sprⲿ.ᜀ(spr➸ A_0) +2208
sprᲕ.ᜀ(spr➸ A_0, spr⫹ A_1) +7769
sprᲕ.ᜀ(Stream A_0, spr⫹ A_1, sprᢹ A_2) +532
sprᲕ.ᜀ(Stream A_0, spr⒘ A_1, sprᩀ A_2) +1306
sprᲕ.ᜀ(String A_0, spr⒘ A_1) +219
Spire.Presentation.Presentation.SaveToFile(String file, FileFormat fileFormat) +535