Thanks for your feedback.
Starting from version 9.6.0 of Spire.PDF, version 11.5.12 of Spire.Doc, version 13.6.0 of Spire.Xls and version 8.6.0 of Spire.Presentation,
we have made changes to the licensing method. Please update your application's applying licensing key method accordingly.
Spire.Presentation.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseKey("your license key");Spire.Pdf.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseKey("your license key");
Spire.Doc.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseKey("your license key");
Spire.Xls.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseKey("your license key");
https://www.e-iceblue.com/Tutorials/Licensing/Licensing.html#Apply_by_KeyWe apologize for any inconvenience caused and for not notifying you in a timely manner.
E-iceblue support team