I'm using FreeSpire.xls 10.10.1 and I need some clarification about limitations.
I read from the website:
Free version is limited to 5 sheets per workbook and 200 rows per sheet. This limitation is enforced during reading or writing XLS or PDF files. From Free Spire.XLS v7.8, there is no any limitation when loading and saving .xlsx file forma
1) What about reading and writing .xlsm files ? Do they work as .xlsx files ?
It seems so to from the my test.
The limitation surely applies to .xls file formats, as I noted from my tests.
So I tried to convert some xls files to xlsx and xlsm with your library api ad with ExceInterop too.
They are loaded but when I try to access a sheet above 5 I got an error (something like 'Sheet ### not found')
Why ?
Further, If I convert the xls file to xlsx/xlsm from Excel , the converted files are properly handled by freeSpire
Why ?
Thanks for support