Hi Rachel,
Thanks for providing code similar to hiding a node.
I tried your code and found that it is doing similar to hiding border line of node but it wont do the same for link line/connectors. Please see details below:
First, I have added a parent node(node_parent) into a SmartArt and then added 3 child nodes to it.i applied your code to hide parent node and for it's link line/connectors , it seems that parents node is hided but the link line/connector of it which connected to it's child's not hided. so that is the issue. it should hide the parent node and link line/connector of it which connected to it's child's node. I have attached Output file(result new) from my code and a screenshot file (Screenshot with highlighted connector line in yellow) which showing highlighted link line/connector in yellow which having issue for your reference.
Also please see the code which i have used:
Dim ppt As Presentation = New Presentation()
Dim smartArt As ISmartArt
Dim node_parent As ISmartArtNode
Dim midNode As ISmartArtNode
Dim gcNode As ISmartArtNode
ppt.LoadFromFile("C:\Users\A0741818\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\WebSites\Hyperlink Error on node in SmartArt in PPT\Presentation_node and connecter formatting.pptx")
smartArt = ppt.Slides(0).Shapes.AppendSmartArt(50, 50, 500, 500, SmartArtLayoutType.OrganizationChart)
smartArt.Style = SmartArtStyleType.SimpleFill
smartArt.ColorStyle = SmartArtColorType.ColoredOutlineAccent3
For Each node As ISmartArtNode In smartArt.Nodes
node_parent = smartArt.Nodes.AddNode()
'format border line of a node
node_parent.Line.FillType = Drawing.FillFormatType.None
'format connector line
node_parent.LinkLine.FillType = Drawing.FillFormatType.None
Dim node_Mapped_Manager As ISmartArtNode = node_parent.ChildNodes.AddNode()
' node_Mapped_Manager.LinkLine.FillType = Drawing.FillFormatType.None
Dim node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1 As ISmartArtNode = node_parent.ChildNodes.AddNode()
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1.Line.FillType = Drawing.FillFormatType.Solid
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1.Line.SolidFillColor.Color = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1.Line.Width = 1
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1.Line.CapStyle = LineCapStyle.Round
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1.Line.DashStyle = LineDashStyleType.SystemDot
Dim node_Dotteled_Line_Manager2 As ISmartArtNode = node_parent.ChildNodes.AddNode()
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager2.Line.FillType = Drawing.FillFormatType.Solid
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager2.Line.SolidFillColor.Color = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager2.Line.Width = 1
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager1.Line.CapStyle = LineCapStyle.Round
node_Dotteled_Line_Manager2.Line.DashStyle = LineDashStyleType.SystemDot
ppt.SaveToFile("C:\Users\A0741818\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\WebSites\Hyperlink Error on node in SmartArt in PPT\result new.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2013)
Note:- the first node is not visible in output file due to code applied to hide it. Please see this node in row one to select this in output file .
Moreover, there is one more on going issue that both border line of node and link line/connector of node not allowing to set RGB color of them. it's providing only default colors name feasibility. we need to add RGB color for them..
Thanks in advance. Looking for a positive response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anil Kumar