Interface IRectangleShape

All Superinterfaces:
IPrstGeomShape, IShape, ITextBox
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IRectangleShape
extends ITextBox, IPrstGeomShape

Method Summary
 IHyperLink getHyLink()
 IShapeLineFormat getLine()
 RectangleShapeType getRectShapeType()
 int getRotation()
          Returns or sets the rotation of the shape, in degrees.
Methods inherited from interface com.spire.xls.core.ITextBox
getHAlignment, getRichText, getText, getTextRotation, getVAlignment, isTextLocked, isTextLocked, setHAlignment, setText, setTextRotation, setVAlignment
Methods inherited from interface com.spire.xls.core.IPrstGeomShape
getPrstShapeType, getText, setText
Methods inherited from interface com.spire.xls.core.IShape
getAlternativeText, getFill, getHeight, getHtmlString, getID, getLeft, getName, getOnAction, getResizeBehave, getShadow, getShapeType, getThreeD, getTop, getVisible, getWidth, isLockAspectRatio, isLockAspectRatio, isLocked, isLocked, isPrintable, isPrintable, remove, scale, setHeight, setHtmlString, setName, setOnAction, setResizeBehave, setRotation, setTop, setVisible, setWidth

Method Detail


RectangleShapeType getRectShapeType()


int getRotation()
Description copied from interface: IShape
Returns or sets the rotation of the shape, in degrees.

Specified by:
getRotation in interface IShape


IShapeLineFormat getLine()


IHyperLink getHyLink()