Interface IHyperLink

All Known Implementing Classes:
HyperLink, XlsHyperLink

public interface IHyperLink

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAddress()
          Returns or sets the address of the target document.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns or sets the name of the object.
 IXLSRange getRange()
          Returns a Range object that represents the range the specified hyperlink is attached to.
 java.lang.String getScreenTip()
          Returns or sets the ScreenTip text for the specified hyperlink.
 java.lang.String getSubAddress()
          Returns or sets the location within the document associated with the hyperlink.
 java.lang.String getTextToDisplay()
          Returns or sets the text to be displayed for the specified hyperlink.
 HyperLinkType getType()
          Returns or sets the object type.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getAddress()
Returns or sets the address of the target document.


java.lang.String getName()
Returns or sets the name of the object.


IXLSRange getRange()
Returns a Range object that represents the range the specified hyperlink is attached to.


java.lang.String getScreenTip()
Returns or sets the ScreenTip text for the specified hyperlink.


java.lang.String getSubAddress()
Returns or sets the location within the document associated with the hyperlink.


java.lang.String getTextToDisplay()
Returns or sets the text to be displayed for the specified hyperlink. The default value is the address of the hyperlink.


HyperLinkType getType()
Returns or sets the object type.