This is the list of changelogs of Spire.XLS New release and hotfix. You can get the detail information of each version's new features and bug solutions.

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Hotfix Version: 13.12

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4838 Fixes the issue that it threw System.IndexOutOfRangeException and System.NullReferenceException exceptions when converting worksheets to HTML documents in multi-threaded parallel.
Bug SPIREXLS-4899 Fixes the issue that the VLOOKUP function was parsed incorrectly.
Bug SPIREXLS-4969 Fixes the issue that the obtained transparency value of cell color was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4972 Fixes the issue that the contents were overlapped after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4974 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.ArgumentNullException when loading documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4980 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Shape failing to render!" exception when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4993 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.NullReferenceException when merging excel documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4998 Fixes the issue that filling MarkerDesigner templates with data failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-5000 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when verifying the validity of data after deleting rows.
Bug SPIREXLS-5004 Fixes the issue that the calculation of some formulas failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-5005 Fixes the issue that the signature time of the added digital signature was 8 hours later than the actual time.
Bug SPIREXLS-5009 Fixes the issue that the reading of CLEAN formulas failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-5015 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.FormatException exception when loading a document.
Bug SPIREXLS-5019 Fixes the issue that the program threw "Cannot read that as a ZipFile" exception when reading HTML documents.

Hotfix Version: 13.11.4

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4876 Fixed the issue that some cells were missing when convert Excel to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-4880 Fixed the issue that the font directory did not take effective when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4904 Fixed the issue that the function SHEET(A3) did not auto calculate.
Bug SPIREXLS-4922 Fixed the problem that the encryption information obtained from a worksheet was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4925 Fixed the issue that the watermark was incorrect after copying a worksheet.
Bug SPIREXLS-4931 Fixed the issue that the pagination was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4933 Fixed the issue that the System.FormatException exception was thrown when loading an Excel document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4942 Fixed the issue that the parentheses were not recognized when converting Excel to images
Bug SPIREXLS-4963 Fixed the issue that some content got lost when copying a custom shape created by Excel 365 to another worksheet.

Hotfix Version: 13.10.1

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4907 Improves the efficiency of Excel to PDF conversion.
New feature SPIREXLS-4857 Supports customizing the names of pivot table fields.
sheet.PivotTables[0].RowFields[0].CustomName = "rowName";
sheet.PivotTables[0].ColumnFields[0].CustomName = "colName";
sheet.PivotTables[0].PivotFields[0].CustomName = "fieldName1";
sheet.PivotTables[0].DataFields[0].CustomName = "dataName";
Bug SPIREXLS-4883 Fixes the issue that the position of images changed after converting Excel to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-4897 Fixes the issue that deleted annotations were not successfully removed from the document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4909 Fixes the issue that the program threw System.OverflowException exception when reading Excel documents.

Hotfix Version: 13.9.1

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4866 Supports saving shape to image.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//convert shapes to images
SaveShapeTypeOption shapelist = new SaveShapeTypeOption();
//save the shapes in worksheet to images.
shapelist.SaveAll = true;
Dictionary images = sheet.SaveAndGetShapesToImage(shapelist);
foreach (KeyValuePair pair in images)
    IShape shape = pair.Key;
    Bitmap bitmap = pair.Value;
    bitmap.Save(outputFile+shape.Name + "_" + shape.Height + "_" + shape.Width +"_" + shape.ShapeType + ".png");
Bug SPIREXLS-4859 Fixes the issue that the data wrapping was incorrect after converting Excel file to CSV.
Bug SPIREXLS-4861 Fixes the issue that the returned result was incorrect after calling "IsPasswordProtected" method.
Bug SPIREXLS-4863 Fixes the issue that there was extra tables after converting Excel to image.
Bug SPIREXLS-4872 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.Xml.XmlException" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4874 Optimizes the performance of creating a large Excel file.

Hotfix Version: 13.8.9

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-2146 Supports customizing the paper size without scaling the content during printing.
sheet.PageSetup.SetCustomPaperSize(224, (float)25.4); 
sheet.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientationType.Portrait;
New feature SPIREXLS-4640 Supports adding Signature Line.
sheet.Range["A1"].AddSignatureLine("e-iceblue","E-iceblue","", "description" ,false, true);
New feature SPIREXLS-4740 Supports getting shapes in sheets.
Spire.Xls.Core.IShapes shapes = sheet.Shapes;
Bug SPIREXLS-1782 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when creating HIPERVINCULO formulas in a Spanish environment.
Fixes the issue that the program threw a "NullReferenceException" when loading an Excel document created by the new version of WPS.
Bug SPIREXLS-4842 Fixes the issue that the slicer was lost after saving Excel.
Bug SPIREXLS-4850 Fixes the issue that after splitting Excel documents, the generated file prompted the message that the content has error when opening in Microsoft Excel.
Bug SPIREXLS-4851 Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullReferenceException" when merging multiple Excel documents.
Bug SPIREXLS-4853 Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullReferenceException" when loading Excel documents.

Hotfix Version: 13.8.0

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-288 Supports setting paper size to DIN A0.
sheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = PaperSizeType.PaperA0;
New feature SPIREXLS-4725 Supports grayscale printing.
workbook.ConverterSetting.GrayLevelForPrint = true;
New feature SPIREXLS-4778 Optimized performance for converting xlsx to HTML with long processing time and high memory consumption.
Bug SPIREXLS-722 Fixes the issue that the charts were missing when converting Excel to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4012 Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect when converting shapes to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4749 Fixes the issue that the application threw System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: "Invalid algorithm specified" when performing digital signature.
Bug SPIREXLS-4768 Fixes the issue that involved failed font replacement.
Bug SPIREXLS-4772 Fixes the issue that the style changed after modifying text in a shape.
Bug SPIREXLS-4773 Fixes the issue that the borders were changed after setting number formats for multiple cells.
Bug SPIREXLS-4785 Fixes the issue that the week calculation was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4787 Fixes the issue that the PrstGeomShapes collection was not updated after removing shapes.
Bug SPIREXLS-4788 Fixes the issue that there was an extra top border in the converted Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4793 Fixes the issue that the conditional formatting for cells failed to retrieve.
Bug SPIREXLS-4795 Fixes the issue that the content was inconsistent when converting Excel to PDF.

Hotfix Version: 13.7.0

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4712 Supports NETWORKDAYS.INTL function.
Bug SPIREXLS-411 Fixed the issue that the added numbers were displayed as date format.
Bug SPIREXLS-698 Fixed the issue that the content was incorrect after converting a chart to an image.
Bug SPIREXLS-883 Fixed the issue that the top border of cells at page breaks was not printed.
Bug SPIREXLS-891 Fixed the issue that the program threw "ArgumentOutOfRangeException" exception when deleting shapes.
Bug SPIREXLS-1158 Fixed the issue that it didn't work when changing the font color of a specific row in a pivot table.
Bug SPIREXLS-2286 Fixed the issue that changing the font in a pivot table didn't work.
Bug SPIREXLS-4711 Fixed the issue that dashed lines missed after converting Excel to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-4722 Fixed the issue that the program threw "NullReferenceException" when executing the CalculateAllValue() method.
Bug SPIREXLS-4728 Fixed the issue that the filter button didn’t work after adding a filter to the merged cells.
Bug SPIREXLS-4738 Fixed the issue that the number of remaining rows was incorrect after deleting rows.
Bug SPIREXLS-4748 Fixed the issue that the format was incorrect when exporting data using worksheet.ExportDataTable() method.

Hotfix Version: 13.5.6

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4560 Adds two methods to realize the movement of chartsheets and worksheets between positions.
workbook.Chartsheets[int index1].MoveSheet(int index2);
workbook.Chartsheets[int index1].MoveChartsheet(int index2)
New feature SPIREXLS-4684 Adds the method to optimize the speed of deleting rows.
Bug SPIREXLS-4587 Fixes the issue that the pivot table fields were displayed as "Column Labels" after converting a sheet to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4605 Fixes the issue that the chart data was not refreshed when converting an XLSX document to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4614 Fixes the issue that the setting on top function does not take effect when adding a text box.
Bug SPIREXLS-4643 Fixes the issue that the table styles were incorrect when converting an XLSX document to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4644 Fixes the issue that the application threw” Syste.OverflowException” when loading an XLS document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4645 Fixes the issue that the data format of retrieved cells was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4646 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.FormatException” when adding HTML content.
Bug SPIREXLS-4665 Fixes the issue that the chartsheets could not be obtained after calling the MoveWorksheet method twice.
Bug SPIREXLS-4666 Fixes the issue that the text exceeds the cell after setting AutoFitColumns when the cell contains Chinese characters.
Bug SPIREXLS-4673 Fixes the issue that the background colors were inconsistent when converting an XLSX document to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-4678 Fixes the issue that the program reported an error "This structured storage version is not supported." when loading an XLS document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4681 Fixes the issue that the style of an added HTML strong tag was not recognized.

Hotfix Version: 13.5.0

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4561 Supports ISO.CEILING function.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Formula = "ISO.CEILING(12.69,2)";
New feature SPIREXLS-4564 Supports WORKDAY.INTL function.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Formula = "=WORKDAY.INTL(DATE(2023,3,17),25,1,DATE(2023,3,20))";
New feature SPIREXLS-4608 Supports EVALUATE function in WPS.
Bug SPIREXLS-4568 Fixed the issue that System.ArgumentException exception was thrown in concurrent conversion of worksheets to HTML program.
Bug SPIREXLS-4575 Fixed the issue that when filling some cells with color, other cells are also filled.
Bug SPIREXLS-4599 Fixed the issue that it failed to copy some cells.
Bug SPIREXLS-4600 Fixed the issue that System.OutOfMemoryException exception was thrown when converting Excel to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-4607 Fixed the issue that System.IndexOutOfRangeException exception was thrown when loading Excel files.
Bug SPIREXLS-4613 Fixed the issue that function area of the menu bar was incorrect after saving the document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4626 Fixed the issue that many blank columns were generated after deleting hidden rows.
Bug SPIREXLS-4627 Fixed the issue that the content was incorrect when using .Net Standard package to convert sheets to images.

Hotfix Version: 13.4.0

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-4485 Supports BITXOR function.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Formula = "BITXOR(12,58)";
New feature SPIREXLS-4544 Supports ISFUNCTION function.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Formula = "ISFORMULA(A1)";
Bug SPIREXLS-265 Fixed the issue that the image was lost after converting an Excel file to an HTML file.
Bug SPIREXLS-2059 Fixed the issue that the content layout was incorrect after converting an Excel file to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4507 Fixed the issue that the image was lost after converting an Excel file to a PDF file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4536 Fixed the issue that the content layout was incorrect after converting an Excel file to an HTML file and then converting the HTML file to an Excel file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4542 Fixed the issue that the application threw "System.ArgumentException: Invalid row index" when copying cells from Excel file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4569 Fixed the issue that the setting "chartSerieDataFormat.IsSmoothedLine" didn't taking effect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4570 Fixed the issue that the application threw "missing root element" when loading an .xlsm file.
Bug SPIREXLS-4583 Fixed the issue that there was an error when opening the result file after modifying a .xlsb file.