Spire.Office 7.7.2 is released

2022-07-07 06:32:12

We are happy to announce the release of Spire.Office 7.7.2. In this release, Spire.PDF supports loading OFD file from stream and adds an interface that supports print settings in WPF assembly; Spire.Doc supports converting the table of contents into corresponding bookmarks in PDF and disabling hyperlinks in PDF when converting Word to PDF using NewEngine; Spire.XLS provides an interface that supports setting whether to apply styles to rows and columns. Additionally, many known issues are fixed successfully. More details are listed below.

In this version, the most recent versions of Spire.Doc, Spire.PDF, Spire.XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.Email, Spire.DocViewer, Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.Spreadsheet, Spire.OfficeViewer, Spire.DataExport, Spire.Barcode are included.

DLL Versions:

  • Spire.Doc.dll v10.7.3
  • Spire.Pdf.dll v8.7.2
  • Spire.XLS.dll v12.6.1
  • Spire.Email.dll v5.6.0
  • Spire.DocViewer.Forms.dll v7.6.0
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Forms.dll v7.6.0
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Asp.dll v7.6.0
  • Spire.Presentation.dll v7.7.1
  • Spire.Spreadsheet.dll v6.6.1
  • Spire.OfficeViewer.Forms.dll v7.7.2
  • Spire.Barcode.dll v6.6.0
  • Spire.DataExport.dll v4.5.0
  • Spire.DataExport.ResourceMgr.dll v2.1.0
Click the link to get the version Spire.Office 7.7.2:
More information of Spire.Office new release or hotfix:

Here is a list of changes made in this release


Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDF-5095 Supports setting the author and subject for PDFLineAnnotation.
if (annotation is PdfLineAnnotationWidget)
    PdfLineAnnotationWidget lineAnn = annotation as PdfLineAnnotationWidget;
    //PdfLineAnnotation lineAnn = annotation as PdfLineAnnotation;
    lineAnn.Author = "Author_test";
    lineAnn.Subject = "Subject_test";
New feature SPIREPDF-5148 Supports setting the ForeColor for CheckBox field.
checkboxField.ForeColor = new PdfRGBColor(Color.Red);
New feature SPIREPDF-5154 Adjusts the interface find.ApplyHighLight()to find.HighLight(), and this method improves the highlighting effect.
New feature - Supports creating tagged structure PDF.
PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat();
PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman", 10));
PdfPen pen = PdfPens.Black;
PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black);

PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument("HelloWord.pdf");
PdfLogicalStructure tree = PdfLogicalStructure.CreateLogicalStructure(doc);
PdfStructureElement article = tree.AppendChildElement(PdfStandardStructTypes.Article);
article.Title = "create tagged pdf";

PdfStructureElement paragraph1 = article.AppendChildElement(PdfStandardStructTypes.Paragraph);
paragraph1.Title = "text paragraph1";
int mcid = 0;
paragraph1.BeginMarkedContentSequence(doc.Pages[0].Canvas, "paragraph1", mcid);

doc.Pages[0].Canvas.DrawString("paragraph1: PDF’s logical structure facilities (PDF 1.3) provide a mechanism for " +
    "incorporating structural information about a document’s content into a PDF file. Such information might include, " +
    "for example, the organization of the document into chapters and sections or the identification of special elements " +
    "such as figures, tables, and footnotes. The logical structure facilities are extensible, allowing applications that " +
    "produce PDF files to choose what structural information to include and how to represent it, while enabling PDF " +
    "consumers to navigate a file without knowing the producer’s structural conventions.",
   font, pen, brush, new Rectangle(40, 200, 480, 80), format);
paragraph1.ReferenceContent(doc.Pages[0], mcid);

PdfStructureElement paragraph2 = article.AppendChildElement(PdfStandardStructTypes.Paragraph);
paragraph2.Title = "text paragraph2";
mcid = 1;
paragraph2.BeginMarkedContentSequence(doc.Pages[0].Canvas, "paragraph2", mcid);
doc.Pages[0].Canvas.DrawString("paragraph2: PDF logical structure shares basic features with standard document markup languages" +
    " such as HTML, SGML, and XML. A document’s logical structure is expressed as a hierarchy of structure elements, each" +
    " represented by a dictionary object. Like their counterparts in other markup languages, PDF structure elements can" +
    " have content and attributes. In PDF, rendered document content takes over the role occupied by text in HTML, SGML, and XML.",
   font, pen, brush, new Rectangle(40, 280, 480, 60), format);
paragraph2.ReferenceContent(doc.Pages[0], mcid);

New feature SPIREPDF-5241 Supports loading OFD file from stream
Stream stream = File.OpenRead(inputFile);
OfdConverter converter = new OfdConverter(stream);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
New feature SPIREPDF-5166 Adds an interface that supports print settings in WPF assembly
PdfDocument.Print(PdfPrintSettings printSettings)
Bug SPIREPDF-704 Fixes the issue that the PdfX1A2001 converted from PDF didn't conform to the specification.
Bug SPIREPDF-715 Fixes the issue that the application threw the exception "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-737 Fixes the issue that caused blurred barcode after converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-779 Fixes the issue that the content was lost after converting XPS to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-1397 Optimizes the time when printing.
Bug SPIREPDF-1443 Fixes the issue that the barcode can't be scanned after printing
Bug SPIREPDF-4884 Fixes the issue that failed to find the cross-line text.
Bug SPIREPDF-5096 Fixes the issue that caused blurry barcode after converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5204 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect barcode after converting PDF to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5226 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "NullReferenceException" when converting PDF to OFD.
Bug SPIREPDF-5228 Fixes the issue that outputs were incorrect after converting PDF layers to image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5238 Fixes the issue that the page number was lost after printing document.
Bug SPIREPDF-5249 Fixes the issue that when converting PDF to OFD, the invisible content failed to convert.
Bug SPIREPDF-5255 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "NullReferenceException" when merging PDF documents.
Bug SPIREPDF-5264 Fixes the issue that the application threw "ArgumentNullException" when converting PDF to image
Bug SPIREPDF-5273 Fixes the issue that the application threw "IndexOutOfRangeException" when compressing PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5285 Fixes the issue that the content was lost after converting PDF to image
Bug SPIREPDF-5039 Fixes the issue that the application threw "can not open an encrypted document, The password is invalid" when loading the stream that was saved from PDF with password .
Bug SPIREPDF-1269 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect field text after printing.
Bug SPIREPDF-1280 Improves the time to convert PDF to image.
Fixes the issue that failed to get the value from XFA field.
Bug SPIREPDF-4990 Optimizes the memory consumption when manipulating PDF and resultant document size.
Bug SPIREPDF-5018 Fixes the issue that failed to find the text that contains superscripts..
Bug SPIREPDF-5041 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "post table issue" when converting PDF to Images.
Bug SPIREPDF-5057 Fixes the issue that failed to replace image in PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5079 Fixes the issue that failed to delete image from PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5119 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect format after converting PDF to Image.
Bug SPIREPDF-5142 Fixes the issue that failed to find vertical text in PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5148 Supports setting the ForeColor for CheckBox field.
Bug SPIREPDF-5155 Fixes the issue that caused incorrect text spacing after converting OFD to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5165 Fxies the issue that the application threw the "NullReferenceException" when filling image in PdfButton field.
Bug SPIREPDF-5168 Fixes the issue that the PDFViewer failed to load the PDF stream converted from OFD.
Bug SPIREPDF-5171 Synchronizes the cell.getStyle().setCellPadding interface in JAVA (setting the padding of a cell) to .NET.
Bug SPIREPDF-5175 Fixes the issue that characters were incorrect after printing PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5177 Fixes the issue that setting the WordWrap for text in grid didn't take effect.
Fixes the issue that the size of image stamp became large after converting OFD to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5183 Fixes the issue that the application threw "The conversion provider cann't be found" exception when converting HTML to PDF using QT plugin.
Bug SPIREPDF-5184 Fixes the issue that the image was lost after converting SVG to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5199 Fixes the issue that the image stamp was lost after converting OFD to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5207 Fixes the issue that the text overlapped after adding in grid.


Category ID Description
New feature - Supports converting table of contents into corresponding bookmarks in PDF when converting Word to PDF using NewEngine.
ToPdfParameterList toPdf = new ToPdfParameterList();
toPdf.CreateWordBookmarks = true;
toPdf.CreateWordBookmarksUsingHeadings = true;
New feature - Supports disabling hyperlinks in PDF when converting Word to PDF using NewEngine.
ToPdfParameterList toPdf = new ToPdfParameterList();
toPdf.DisableLink = true;
Bug SPIREDOC-6917 Fixes the issue that the color of table borders lost after converting HTML to Docx.
Bug SPIREDOC-7600 Fixes the issue that there were extra blank lines before the title after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7659 Fixes the issue that the table pagination was wrong after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7678 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.FormatException" when converting Word to PDF under French locale settings.
Bug SPIREDOC-7766 Fixes the issue that image links would not work after saving a Docx file.
Bug SPIREDOC-7771 Fixes the issue that waterfall charts would be empty after replacing some paragraph text.
Bug SPIREDOC-7773 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" when loading a Docx file.
Bug SPIREDOC-7790 Fixes the issue that the content format was inconsistent after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-7824 Fixes the issue that waterfall charts changed to pictures after saving a Docx file.
Bug SPIREDOC-7792 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" when saving a Docx file.


Category ID Description
New feature SPIREXLS-3812 Provides an interface that supports setting whether to apply styles to rows and columns.
worksheet.ApplyStyle(style, applyRowStyle, applyColumnStyle)
New feature - Supports converting new chart types in Excel 2016 like waterfall, treemap and boxandwhisker to PDF and image.
Bug SPIREXLS-3888 Fixes the issue that the content of cells in custom format was not correct after converting to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3890 Fixes the issue that the header whose content contained carriage, its height was incorrect after converting to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3900 Fixes the issue that the association between button and VBA was lost after copying sheet to another workbook.
Bug SPIREXLS-3901 Fixes the issue that the data of pivot table was incorrect after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3908 Fixes the issue that caused blurry effect after inserting image in Excel with new versions.
Bug SPIREXLS-3909 Fixes the issue that failed to get the range of namedrange with non-contiguous ranges.


Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPPT-1963 Fixes the issue that the fill color obtained from a shape was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPPT-1967 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception "ArgumentOutOfRangeException" when HTML was inserted to PowerPoint.


Category ID Description
Bug SPREADSHEET-201 Fixes the issue that adding and deleting rows would give incorrect results.
Bug SPREADSHEET-202 Fixes the issue that "NullReferenceException" occurred when Excel files were being loaded.


Category ID Description
Bug SPIREBARCODE-214 Fixes the issue that the rectangle added in barcode became square.
Bug SPIREBARCODE-215 Fixes the issue that the scanned data was inconsistent with the data scanned by mobile phone.