Spire.Office for C++ 8.11.0 is released

2023-11-29 02:50:24

We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.Office for C++ 8.11.0. This version adds support for the Linux platform. Spire.PDF for C++ supports the PdfMarker type. In addition, some known issues are fixed in this version. More details are listed below.

Click the link to download Spire.Office for C++ 8.11.0:

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Spire.PDF for C++

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDF-5945 Supports the PdfMarker type.
intrusive_ptr<PdfDocument> doc = new PdfDocument();
intrusive_ptr<PdfNewPage> page = Object::Dynamic_cast<PdfNewPage>(doc->GetPages()->Add());
intrusive_ptr<PdfMarker> marker = new PdfMarker(PdfUnorderedMarkerStyle::CustomImage);
std::wstring listContent = L"Data Structure\n";
listContent += L"Algorithm\n";
listContent += L"Computer Newworks\n";
listContent += L"Operating System\n";
listContent += L"C Programming\n";
listContent += L"Computer Organization and Architecture";
intrusive_ptr<PdfList> list = new PdfList(listContent.c_str());
((intrusive_ptr<PdfLayoutWidget>)list)->Draw(page, 100, 100);
doc->SaveToFile(outputFile.c_str(), FileFormat::PDF);
Bug SPIREPDF-6052 Fixes the issue that the first-level bookmark navigation function failed when performing linearized conversion of PDF documents.
Bug SPIREPDF-6173 Fixes the issue that the validation of signatures was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDF-6191 Removes doc->GetXmpMetaData() method.
Bug SPIREPDF-6242 Fixes the issue that reading properties of PDF documents failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-6257 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception System.InvalidCastException when converting PDF documents to XPS documents multiple times.
Bug SPIREPDF-6270 Fixes the issue that compressing PDF documents failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-6344 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception System.TypeInitializationException when converting a PDF document to a PowerPoint document.