I am reading the text of pdf invoices to extract different informations (eg. customer, id, amount etc.) and am currently trying out different variants.
What exactly does
Regards Peter
String input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\PDFTemplate-Az.pdf";
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
// Read a pdf file
// Get the first page
PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages[0];
// Extract text from page keeping white space
PdfTextExtractOptions options = new PdfTextExtractOptions();
options.IsExtractAllText = true; //false->Extract text from page without keeping white space
PdfTextExtractor pdfTextExtractor = new PdfTextExtractor(page);
String text = pdfTextExtractor.ExtractText(options);
String result = Path.GetFullPath("ExtractTextFromParticularPage_out.txt");
// Create a writer to put the extracted text
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(result);
// Write a line of text to the file