Hi, I generated a code128 barcode and printed the barcode then attached the barcode on a document and scanned the document. When i scan the image for the barcode spire does not find the bar code.
Below is the code to generate and scan the barcode. I have attached the barcode image
//generate bar code
BarcodeSettings bcsettings = new BarcodeSettings();
bcsettings.Type = BarCodeType.Code128;
bcsettings.BarHeight = 6;
bcsettings.ShowTextOnBottom = true;
bcsettings.LeftMargin = 2;
bcsettings.Data = BarCode;
bcsettings.TextMargin = 0;
bcsettings.TopMargin = 1;
Font drawFont2 = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
bcsettings.TextFont = drawFont2;
BarCodeGenerator bcgen = new BarCodeGenerator(bcsettings);
System.Drawing.Image bcimg = bcgen.GenerateImage();
//scan bar code
String[] bcdata = BarcodeScanner.Scan(bitmapimage, BarCodeType.Code128);