Namespace: Spire.Xls.Charts
Assembly: Spire.XLS (in Spire.XLS.dll) Version: (


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++  F# 
public class ChartCategoryAxis : XlsChartCategoryAxis
Public Class ChartCategoryAxis
	Inherits XlsChartCategoryAxis
public ref class ChartCategoryAxis : public XlsChartCategoryAxis
type ChartCategoryAxis =  
        inherit XlsChartCategoryAxis


 All Members  Fields   Properties   Methods  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

AddReference()()()() (Inherited from XlsObject.)
Alignment (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
AutoTickLabelSpacing (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
AutoTickMarkSpacing (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
AxisBetweenCategories (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
AxisId (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
AxisType (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
BaseUnit (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
BaseUnitIsAuto (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
Border (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
CategoryType (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
Chart3DOptions (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
Chart3DProperties (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
CheckDisposed()()()() (Inherited from XlsObject.)
Clone(Object, Dictionary<(Of <<'(Int32, Int32>)>>), Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)) Obsolete. (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
CrossesAt (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
CrossingPoint (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
CrossValue (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
Deleted (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
Dispose()()()() (Inherited from XlsObject.)
EnteredDirectlyCategoryLabels (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Finalize()()()() (Inherited from XlsObject.)
FindParent(Type) (Inherited from XlsObject.)
FindParent(array<Type>[]()[][]) (Inherited from XlsObject.)
FindParent(Type, Boolean) (Inherited from XlsObject.)
FindParents(array<Type>[]()[][]) (Inherited from XlsObject.)
FrameFormat (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Has3dProperties (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
HasAxisTitle (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
HasMajorGridLines (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
HasMinorGridLines (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
IsAutoCross (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsAutoMajor (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsAutoMax (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsAutoMin (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsAutoMinor (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsAutoTextRotation (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
IsLogScale (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsMaxCross (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsPrimary (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
IsReversed (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
IsReverseOrder (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
IsSourceLinked (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
LabelFrequency (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
LogBase (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
m_bIsDisposed (Inherited from XlsObject.)
MajorTickMark (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
MajorUnit (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
MajorUnitScale (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
MaxValue (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
MinorTickMark (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
MinorUnit (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
MinorUnitScale (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
MinValue (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
MultiLevelLable (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
NumberFormat (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
NumberFormatIndex (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
Offset (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
OnDispose()()()() (Inherited from XlsObject.)
ParagraphType (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
Parent (Inherited from XlsObject.)
ReferenceCount (Inherited from XlsObject.)
ReleaseReference()()()() (Inherited from XlsObject.)
SetParent(Object) (Inherited from XlsObject.)
Shadow (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
ShadowProperties (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
TextRotationAngle (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
TickLabelPosition (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
TickLabelSpacing (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
TickMarksFrequency (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
TickMarkSpacing (Inherited from XlsChartCategoryAxis.)
Title (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Visible (Inherited from XlsChartAxis.)

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also