Thank you very much for your reply. It's incredible how talented Spire.Doc is. Component definitely deserves all the praise. I wish you continued success.

Jim Jerry Developer2022-05-31

It was really a nice experience while using Spire.PDF for Java API, it made life very easy while fetching, manipulating and generating PDF contents. Great to see how much it reduces dependency on Adobe acrobat reader.

Kumar Rishi Developer2022-01-13

My priorities switched to a different project after August so I was not testing Spire actively for a long time. I restarted my testing in December and things are looking very promising. We are interested in making this purchase now. Also, your support has been very good at fixing most issues I reported, even before we purchased.

Kreis Alex Smith+Nephew2022-01-07

Thank you for being so quick! :-) I tested it and it works! Just a minor issue: in your output (see screenshot) the equation is horizontally centered, while in XXX it's not. It should not be centered because in the HTML there's nothing (no HTML tags and/or styles) that forces the equation to be centered Anyway, since you were so quick in solving this issue I'll go with you and purchase a license. I know that if/when I have a problem, you'll be quick to solve it.

Paolo Mugnaini Developer2021-12-15

Since we implemented the missing .Close() and .Dispose() statements the overall memory usage on our AppService is reduced and no more exceptions were reported since then.
So we have to thank you again for your fast and reliable support on our problems and agree to close this ticket on your side.

Alexander Wobbe DEVWARE GmbH2021-11-29

First of all, Thank you very much for the fastest answer I ever received from a support group.
Secondly, Your solution worked, I used a clear new page and I saw the writing.

Yaacov Shemesh Developer2021-10-29

The code you sent for me was perfectly correct and added space between the tables.
I am running a medical application for world health organization and deiced using the Spire.Doc library to show the result. Spire.Doc is Awesome on Everything(specially on Support). The Spire Library helped with cancer research. Big thanks again.

Hamed Kakavand Developer2021-10-12

Thank you so much for your excellent support and also a thanks to the development team which does great work too. I have now received support for Spire.PDF a couple of times.
And it was always resolved quickly and perfectly even though I never proved we own a license.
On top of that, your product is very good. We pretty much use every feature of Spire.PDF:

  • Reading and writing large custom metadata
  • Reading and filling formula fields
  • Reading and writing a digital signature
  • Adding pictures
  • Cutting off pages
  • Protecting a PDF with a password
  • Creating complex new PDFs
  • And so on...

So, again, your support is highly appreciated. Keep up the good work!

Rico Scheller Siemens2021-09-23

Your mail really saved me some time. E-iceblue always amazes me with the great service you give!!!
If you ever need a reference for a new customer, do not hesitate to send them my e-mail address!

Alain Senechal Mediapolis2021-09-10

The component works perfectly fine. Well engineered and easy for developers to use. I think E-iceblue did a really good job documenting how to use the Spire.PDFViewer also. If I have a need for any of the other components I will most certainly look to your company for the solution!

Michael Gooley Developer2021-06-30

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